Old Threats

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Jennifer saw Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Seamus, and Dean come out of the fireplace in an orderly fashion. She pulled her wand out of her robe pocket and conjured up some more chairs for her newly arrived guests. She sat down next to George again. She didn’t want to explain the situation again to everyone. She heard Dumbledore explain the situation to the room and she closed her eyes.

She felt a hand reach out and pull her away from George. She opened her eyes to see Ron and Ginny hugging her. She hugged them back and then moved back towards George. George pulled her back into his arms and held her close to him. She saw her mother looking at them with a smile that was of approval. She was glad that her mother approved of her and George.

Silence filled the air for a few seconds.  Jennifer decided that she needed to change into her clothes. She apparated up to her and George’s room where she changed into a dark blue silk blouse with a pair of black trousers on the bottom and a pair of black boots on the bottom. She used her wand to do her hair and makeup. She grabbed her blazer and put it on. She apparated back downstairs and into George’s arms. She stood up before George could wrap his arms around her.

She put her jacket on as she felt everyone’s eyes on her. She turned her attention to George and smiled sweetly at him. “George can you stay home today and entertain and sort everyone out while I go to work”, she asked using her sweetest and innocent voice.

George looked at her uncle whose dark mark was showing. “Jen is your uncle a death eater?” “George why do you want to know “, she asked putting her hands on her hips. George gulped at the serious look on her face as he knew what it meant. “Being in the same room as a death eater is sort of frightening.” “George he’s not a death eater anymore. He is a reformed ex death eater.”

She walked out of the room to get a box of some old scrapbooks, new scrapbooks and items from her past.  She walked back into the room with the box and sat it down on the coffee table. She pulled out a scrapbook that had a glossy new cover on it and a title that said Jennifer’s Horcrux finding journey. She opened the scrapbook up to a page that only had a note with a description under it that said that the note was written by her uncle to the dark lord.  She handed the scrapbook too George so that he could look at the page in it that she had pointed out.

She sat down next to George and she saw the look of realization on his face.  “Oh but I still don’t know if I should entertain him. That dark mark is still creepy.” “George Fabian Weasley can you please entertain them today? It would mean a lot to me if you did”. She put on her best puppy dog eyes and pouted. “Ok fine but you owe me one but who is going to open the joke shop today,” George asked her. “Ron and Ginny will handle the joke shop today.” George handed his keys to the shop over to Ron who was in shock over what she just said. 

She smiled at George and whispered into his ear that what she will owe him will be pretty satisfying. She kissed his good ear and then his lips before taking the scrapbook out of his hands and putting it back into the box. She took the box back over to the other room before grabbing onto Harry and told him that they were going to be late for work. Harry willing followed her to the fireplace.

She waved goodbye to the occupants of the room before grabbing some floo powder from the bowl that was on the fireplace. She threw the floo powder that was in her hand into the fireplace and yelled the ministry. She was sucked into the fireplace and traveled with a whirlwind of colors pass her. She landed in the Ministry’s fireplace. She brushed the soot off of her clothes as she walked out of the fireplace and towards the elevator.

She pressed a button that allowed her to go to the second floor. Once she got there she got out of the elevator and walked over to her spot in the Auror’s office. She sat down as Harry came into the room and took his spot.

They had been allowed to become Aurors in an instant after they passed their character and aptitude tests within the first four months after the war had ended and because of how the new Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt had decided that any person/student that had fought in the Battle of Hogwarts will be allowed to become Aurors without their NEWTS.  She was very fortunate to be one of the ones to become an Auror.

She watched as Harry pulled out a folder that had pictures of deceased death eaters in it. That confused her and she wanted to know why Harry had those pictures. “Old threats have somehow come back to life. These threats are powerful Death Eaters that were killed during the Battle of Hogwarts and the Second Wizarding War. Now I am sure you all know that no spell can bring people back to life. So I don’t know how these death eaters came back to life but we need to stop them before a third wizarding war happens as well as muggle deaths. “

She wonders if a result of her wish was that the death eaters coming back to live was her fault. If it was her fault she wasn’t sure what she was going to do. She felt her heart beat fast inside her chest at the thoughts that were racing inside her head. She closed her eyes trying to think of something else that was not as dark as her current thoughts her mind went to George and she relaxed a little but not enough that there was a noticeable difference.

“Jennifer I need you to take this form to the minister to approve. The rest of you go find those death eaters. They were found outside Wiltshire”. Harry handed her a stack of papers and she walked out of the Auror’s office and downstairs towards the Minister’s office. She knocked on the door and waited. She heard Kingsley telling her that she can come in. She opened the door and handed the forms over to the Minister and explained to him why the forms where being presented to him.

Kingsley approved the forms but told her to tell Harry to get to the bottom of why they had come back. She nodded and walked back upstairs towards the Auror’s Office. She saw that Harry was waiting for her. She told Harry what Kingsley had told her.

“Jennifer do you think that what you did caused the death eater’s return”, Harry questioned. “Maybe. I thought about it but I’m not really sure if it is the cause of their return. If it is the cause of their return then I don’t know what I am going to do”. Harry hugged her and allowed her to rest for a few minutes before telling her to go and kick some death eater ass.

I have decided to bring back Voldemort and his death eaters for a reason and I can't exacxtly explain why they are coming back just yet. I will update as soon as I can.

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