'El Sonido de los Animales 3'

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Ok, let's see how many new Spanish Animal names I can learn from This Part! 😉👍 ⤵

🔹 Thanks to This Part I've learnt that:

la Orca = Orca

el Hipopotamo = hippo 

la Abeja = bee 🐝

el Mapache = raccoon

el Halcon = falcon

el Jabali = wild boar ( this time I like the Spanish Animal name More than the English one! 😁👍 )

el Pavo Real = peacock ( ok so el 'pavo' without 'real' was turkey - so turkey is not a real peacock! XD lol 😂 )

el Rinoceronte = rhino

el Camello = camel 

el Gorila = gorilla

el Cuervo = raven

el Alce = moose

el Ganso = goose

el Coyote = coyote ( lol, another easy one! 😉👍 like 'puma' )

el Toro = bull 

la Ardilla = squirrel

el Buitre = vulture

el Pinguino = penguin

*( 18 new Spanish Animals names from This Song! 😁👍 - yay!

So there will be 25 + 18 = 43 new words from just 3 songs, Wow! :D )

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