Him again?

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After about half an hour she was asleep. I gave her to Lena and she took her to her room and put her in her bed.  The rest of the kids followed her to see where she sleeps. I jumped into the babies mind and watched her dream. She was so happy her dream was filled with my face and Lena's face to. Her brothers and sisters where there too everything isn't what people think either, it has little color and no sound. That is probably why she wakes up so easily, because she can hear the outside world. 

"Lena, I know which name I think we should give her," I told her as she came down the stairs. 

"Which one?" she asked sitting down next to me. 

"Allia-May, I think it fits her. It's as pretty as she is," I say turning to look at where she sat down. 

"I agree, her name is Allia-May. Should we tell the kids?" She asked grabbing the remote to turn on the T.V. She sits there and flips through the shows that are one trying to find something to watch. 

"Yeah, I think they would like to know what their little sisters name is," I told her with a little laugh. *Come here please*, I mind link the kids. They all start racing down the stairs and come to an abrupt stop in front of us. 

"Yes?" they all say at the same time. 

"We've chosen a name for the baby," I say turning to Lena at the end signalling for her to finish what I was saying.

"Do you want to know what it is?" she asks teasing them. 

"Yes!!" they all say together. Lena and I look at each other and start laughing. 

"Okay, we will tell you," I say looking at Lena again.

"Her name is Allia-May," she tells them. We both watch their reactions and wait for a response from them. 

"Oh, its so pretty," Ro said smiling and jumping up and down. 

"I like it, it fits her," Jackson said standing up and walking over to me and Lena. Looking between us a couple times he stopped at me then turned to Lena. "Thank you moms. Your guys are the best," he said leaning over the couch and giving us both a hug at the same time. When he stood up and walked up stairs. 

"Thank you, moms," the rest say and turn to follow their brother up the stairs. I turn to Lena, she is smiling more than ever and has tears running down her cheeks. Must be something she has left over from being pregnant. 

"I think they like you," I say laughing and little and pulling her into me. We lay on the couch for about an hour before Allia starts to cry. Lena fell asleep on me so I get up carefully so she doesn't wake and walk into our room to pick her up out of the bassinet I put in their for her to sleep in. Lena had her moved from the apartment/house (still not sure what to call it) when I moved in the other day so she wouldn't have to explain it to me right away.  I will work on moving her stuff back in again tomorrow when we finish training. 

After I lay Allia down again I go check on the kids. They fell asleep in the play room again. The all had their blankets so they must've brought them in from their rooms after they came upstairs. I let them stay in the room for the night and turn off the T.V. and light, then walk back down stairs to get Lena. She is still sleeping so I pick her up and carry her to our room.

I try to be as quiet as I can so I don't wake up Allia and lay Lena down on the bed. I quickly change into a pair of basket ball shorts and a baggy t-shirt and find something for Lena to wear. I change her as quickly and modestly as possible then lay down and Fall right asleep. 


"Bella, Bella wake up. We have to go train. Come on, get up," I hear Lena say shaking me awake. I must've over slept because Lena has already taken her shower and gotten dressed and I could smell the food cooking down stairs. 

"Where's Allia? Is she okay?" I ask shooting straight up. She isn't in her bed and I can't hear her. I start looking around the room then look through everyone in the castles eyes. Noe one has her. "Where is she? What happened?" I ask vampire speeding out of bed and flying down the stairs. I look every where but I still can't see her. Where did she go? I turn and run back up the stairs and look in every room in the apartment/house and she is no where. I look through every ones eyes in the city and I find her. I look through her eyes and see, Joseph. 

How did he find my baby?! Why does he have her? 

"Bella relax she is just going to see the doctor, a man named Elijah came by and said he was a vampire doctor. He checked on her here but said he left some special equipment at the office that was to big to bring with him. He took her back to the office to finish the check up then will bring her back. One of the guards went with him I think," she said pulling me to the couch. I look in Allia's eyes again and make her turn her head around looking for the guard. One of the guards were laying on the floor with their head clean off. 

"Lena that wasn't a doctor, that was Joseph. We have to go, NOW!" I yell. "Kids stay here and don't let anyone in, I mean it," I say running out to door in my pajamas and shooting to the training room. On my way I put everyone of the guards in tight fitting black outfits, Lena and I are in the same outfits but ours have a little bit of gold on them and the king is in a black outfit to but his has a gold crown on the sleeve and a little more gold than Lena and mine. We all have black capes on that match our outfits and black boots. I don't stop to explain I just keep running, but everyone follows me. 

I keep running to where I last saw Allia and stop when I see a little piece of paper folded on the ground with my name on it. 


I have taken your "daughter" because you didn't want to be with me. If you ever want to see her again you will kill your mate and four children and return to your life with me. You have until sundown on Wednesday or she will die. 

P.S. I love you xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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