Chapter Fifty-Five: Superboy

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"It's good to have you back

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"It's good to have you back." Victor said, securing a bandage around Silvia's damaged wrist. "As much as I hate to admit it."

"Yeah, I missed you too." She replied smugly but the playfulness in her tone didn't uphold for long. "... What's going on around here, Vic? Who are these people claiming to be Superman?"

"I wish I knew. All I can tell you is that the 'Cyborg' one is more advanced than I originally suspected." Buzzing sounds could be heard throughout Titan Tower, not quite loud enough to drown out Victor's voice but enough to be distracting. "I tried tracking whoever rebuilt him, and whatever they did it with, but the technology used on him is too advanced for my scanners. It's actually scarily similar to my own cybernetics."

"But... it's not really him right?" Silvia rested her broken wrist against her lap, it already felt like it was healing; she could even move her fingers without pain.

"It's one thing to rebuild him, it's a completely different job altogether to bring someone back from the dead."

"Thought so..." She replied with a heavy exhale. "I can't believe that the people of Metropolis truly believe that he's Superman."

"People will believe anything when they're scared. They've even started saying that Steel is somehow Superman, despite the fact that he was around before Clark's death."

"Seriously?" Silvia scoffed. Sometimes she wondered why they ever bothered saving these people. They were so quick to discard the memories of those who died fighting for them...

"Speaking of which," Victor started again, shifting over to a nearby laptop and tapping a few keys. "He's actually here today."

Without a second to spare, in walked Steel. He looked exactly the same as last time Silvia had seen him... all but his chest that adorned a metal 'S' symbol. He smiled at Silvia, that expression only falling into further amusement at the bandage wrapped around her wrist.

"You always were a troublesome one." He teased as he crossed his arms. "What did you do this time? Jump off a skyscraper?"

"Punched Cyborg Superman in the face." Silvia smirked triumphantly.

"You only just got here and you're already starting fights with the new arrivals?" Steel laughed. "Why am I not surprised?"

For just a moment the atmosphere in that room lifted. It had an airy laughter lingering through it as if things were back to how they use to be. They weren't though, and soon enough that positive vibe was drowned out. Silvia's eyes lingered back to the symbol on Steel's chest, and this time there was no dodging the subject.

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