Chapter 1: Her 'Family'

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"WAKE UP!" Kim yelled at me from down the stairs, oh boy, and here my day starts.

I rolled out of bed and stretched. I walked towards my small closet and grabbed a red t-shirt and ripped jeans. Putting them on, I rushed down the stairs to start making breakfast for Kim, Grayson, and Joe.

"I've got my ticket for the long way round, two bottle a whiskey for the way, and I sure would like some sweet company and I'm leavin tomorrow, whad'ya say." I hummed my favorite song as of right now, Cups.

"Egh! What's that horrible racket?" Grayson asked sneering as he walked into the room. It's amazing how much authority he has over me, considering he's seven.

I rolled my eyes when he wasn't looking as I flipped his extra large omelet in the pan.


"Gah! These eggs taste horrible!" I heard Joe screech from downstairs.

I retreated back to my room after placing down Kim and Joe's food. Now Joe was complaining about how bad they tasted, but I knew they didn't taste that bad. Omelets were the one thing I could make very well, even Grayson looked like he was enjoying them.

I looked outside to see my best friend, Mia Hemsworth with her car parked in the driveway. I grabbed my ripped bag and sprinted down the stairs to her car.

"Hey girl! Did you have any breakfast?"

"Yeah...?" I replied trying to hide my lie, but she saw right through it; I was horrible at lying.

"That's it! I need to call child services! They're not even feeding you!"

"Mia, I'm fine..." I mumbled, knowing she wasn't going to give it up.

"NOPE!" She said as the car took a great swerve to the right.


"My 'swell. Nah, I'm taking you to Starbucks," she stated proudly.

"Mia, you know I don't like coffee."

"Well, you don't have to get coffee, there are so many other things!"

"Okay, okay... I get it."

"Hi, and what would you like to order?" A barista named Theresa asked us.

"I'll take a Triple Chocolate Macchiato, with a banana muffin."

"Okay, and you?" She asked me with a fake smile.

"Oh um... I'll have the Cinnamon Dolce Latte, with a cherry turnover." I said, with a smile on my lips because Mia was just too nice.

Once our drinks came, I slurped mine down. After realizing we were late, we rushed out of the cafe' towards Mia's car, and sped to school, listening to Karson Kape's new song. Someday, I would like to meet him, sing to him, even. But it's not like that would ever happen. He was a celebrity, fawned over by millions and I was just a nobody girl from Arizona.


"Sooo any new boys you have your eyes on, Everly?" Mia asked me out of the blue.

"What?!" I coughed choking on my lunch.

"Like, I don't know-"

"Everly Annalore to the office please," the intercom blared.

"OOOHHHHHH!!!" All the boys were squealing.

"PUT A CORK IN IT YA BONEHEADS!" Mia screamed at them and they immediately sat down.

I walked to the office nervously, I was an okay student, maybe even a little better, what could it be about?

"Ah yes, Everly. Principal Faith will see you soon," the secretary said to me.

After sitting on the little chair for what felt like hours, Mr. Faith finally called me into his office.

"So, as you know, the school picks 7 students each year to go on a trip to New York for Art, Literature, History, and Architecture. You and a few others of your peers including Mia have been randomly chosen to go. You will choose which subject to go for and attend an all-day program about the subject of choice. Then, our school has partnered with Hollister Inc. for you seven students to go to a masquerade ball that next night. I expect all of you to be on your best behavior. We don't need our schools reputation tarnished by any big names. You will be leaving in two weeks, that's all I needed, you may go to 6th period now."

It was a lot to take in, of course, I wanted to go, and I'm sure Kim and Joe would let me. It would be a miracle for me to be out of their hair for four days! But I was more worried about the ball, I would have to wear a dress, but those are expensive! My part-time job at Target wouldn't cover the cost. Besides, there will be famous people there and I'd have to look my best! Kim wouldn't let me wear any of her clothes if her life depended on it, never less a dress. Maybe Mia would let me borrow one? No matter, I should get to class before the late bell rin-

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*


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