Chapter 33: Do You Love Me?

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"Everly, meet your brother," Karson said smiling.

Brother? What brother? I don't have a brother.

"I can explain." The man named Xavier said.

"Please do," I said sitting down feeling lightheaded.

"I should help," Mia said.

"Okay, sis."

Wait, what?

"You've probably figured out by now we have the same eyes."

"Yeah...My mother's..."

"I also have the same dark skin as Mia. Audrina Moreau and Carter Hemsworth went to high school together. They were madly in love and as soon as they graduated Audrina became impregnated with me. Xavier Moreau, or Hemsworth. Shortly after I was born my father decided he didn't want me so my mother put me up for adoption fearing she couldn't take care of me by herself. A few years later she married Jae Annalore and had another child, Everly Annalore. Then when you were young they both died and you were put up for adoption as well. I was only nine, and you were five. I've always dreamed of meeting both of my half-sisters. Carter met Molly and she had Mia, so that's how we're all related. You two are both my half sisters. Everly and I share a mother and Mia and I share a father. I'm now 21 and you are 17. I was very surprised when I saw you, Karson, and Alex at the hotel in New York. I kept looking at you because you looked familiar and that's when I realized you were my half sister. I called my father who told Mia about me. So she's known for a few months."

"When you brought it up on Christmas I wondered if it was Xavier so I reached out to him," Mia whispered quietly.

"Did you ever plan on telling me?" I asked turning to her ignoring all of the questions racing through my mind.


"How did you get here anyway?" I asked my 'brother.'

"Karson called me." He replied nonchalantly. I turned to him and glared.

"After you two announced you were dating I told him everything." Mia rushed out.

"You told my boyfriend before me?!"

"We didn't know how you would take it..."

"I...Have a half brother?" I looked around to see everyone staring in shock beside Mia, Xavier, and Karson.

"Surprise?" Xavier said throwing up his hands and I rushed in and gave him a hug. He reluctantly hugged me back and then Mia joined in. I had at least one blood relative left and I was so happy. We all laid in a pile on the floor weeping.

"I promise I will stay with you two. Our family has finally found each other." Xavier said his large arms entrapping us in his hold.

"Now that we're making confessions. I have something to say." Mia said standing up.

"What is it?" I asked teary-eyed. She walked over to Alex and they linked arms.

"Alex and I are dating." She announced.

"How long?" Was the first thing I said.

"Since Christmas. We talked a lot that night."

"So wait you guys have been together almost as long as we have?" Karson asked dumbfounded.

"Yeah. You guys are just oblivious." Alex chuckled.

"Well, you sure got over Everly fast," Karson mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing..." Alex replied glaring at Karson.

"You're too cute," Mia said pinching his cheeks.

"PDA IS NOT OKAY!" Aviana yelled from the corner. She and Harrison were perfect for each other. They were equally obnoxious.


"What do you think?" Karson asked me as we sat around playing video games.

"I think it's time for me to be heading home," I said looking at the clock, which read [9:00].

"If you insist," He said getting up then waving at everyone. "The lady and I are leaving."

"Bye guys!" I smiled cheekily. Nothing could interrupt my good mood. I waltzed outside towards my brand new car and got into the passenger's side.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Sitting in the seat. Duh."

"Okay, I guess I'm driving."

"I mean I could drive... I just...It's pointless for you to come."

"And why's that?"

"Because you won't be able to get home."

"Oh...Right... I assume Alex will drive Mia home. He can pick me up too."

"If you say so." He started the car and the radio turned on. I scrolled through the long list of songs until I found one I liked. Settling on Party In The U.S.A, I started silently singing the lyrics. Once the main chorus hit Karson and I blurted out the song in glee. Once the song ended we arrived at the house and he walked me to the door. I quietly unlocked it and we both walked in making sure not to make a sound. We crept up the stairs towards my room trying not to wake anyone. Once we got to my room we sat on my bed.

"How did you find Xavier?"

"Well after Mia told me about him I knew you would want to meet him. I hired an investigation team and they followed him around the next few months so I could find out everything about him. I eventually confronted him and he had heard about our relationship so he automatically trusted me. Then we made plans and I flew him out here for your birthday."

There were no words to express how I felt so I did the only thing I could to show my emotions. I kissed him, with more passion than ever before. My hands entangled into his hair and we pressed our bodies as close as we could, his hands went to my hair and he pulled my face to his. My hands gripped his shirt as I kissed him. In a moments notice he took it off. I sat and marveled at his rock hard abs. He was insanely fit and that was just one more thing I loved about him. I reached my hand out to trace the hard lines when suddenly his phone started ringing. I jumped back and blushed in realization at what I was about to do. He cursed and then reached out to grab it. He pulled me towards him and I sat in his lap my long sleeve shirt grazing his chest.

"Yeah, I'm coming." His husky voice said. He then hung up the phone and looked down at me.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Alex. He's outside."

"Oh..." I whispered.

"Don't be so sad, we have the rest of our lives together," He smirked. Then he moved me from his lap onto the floor. "I have to go." He then walked over towards my window.

"What are you doing?"

"Going out the window. What else would I do?"

"Umm use the door?"

"Nah. I like to leave in style."

"I should have guessed," I said rolling my eyes. "Be careful."

"I will." He put his shirt over his shoulder and then opened the window.

"Karson?" I asked quickly.

"Yes?" He replied turning around looking at me with the moonlight enchanting his beautiful face.

"Do you love me?"

"Of course, Beauty."

"I love you too." And suddenly in the blink of an eye, he pulled me towards him. My arms on his bare chest. I looked at his mesmerizing bright blue eyes as he bent down to kiss me. And at that moment I knew... That I was complete.

~The End~

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