Chapter 18: Clean Up The Drool

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I had been up since 5:30 and so had Alex. I could hear him rolling around in his room ever since I woke up. Eventually at 6:00 I finally got up to take a shower. After I finished, I brushed my teeth, and put my toothbrush and paste, along with my shower stuff, deodorant, and cologne in my bag. I walked out of my room and banged on Alex's door. I heard a crash, I assumed he fell off his bed and then he yanked open the door.


"Well good morning to you too."

"Just tell me what you want."

"I'm hungry."

"Of course. Just give me a minute. I'll be out in a bit." As I waited I walked down the stairs, opened up the fridge and chugged the milk straight from the carton.

"Eww," Alex grumbled walking down the stairs.

"What? I know you do it too."

"Touché. Now, what do you want for breakfast?"

"Eggs and bacon. We have a while until we need to go pick Everly up. My 'swell make the best of our time."


We actually reached her house by 6:45 but just kept circling the neighborhood until 7. We probably seemed like weirdoes but oh well. I stood outside leaning on the car and I was just about to call her phone when I saw a gorgeous woman walk out of the doors. She was wearing a long sleeve pink shirt with a black skirt that left little to the imagination, with that she had on knee-high black socks and white tennis shoes. She had midnight black hair tied up into a braided bun with minimal makeup on her face. Mostly just pale pink lipstick and a dab of eyeliner that made her emerald eyes pop. She was simply breathtaking. I had to turn to close Alex's mouth and he had to close mine too.

"Hey guys," She waved at us with a smile. "Oh Alex, Karson. Clean up the drool." Well, she was in a good mood. Especially since she was wearing her mother's clothes. I moved from my spot to open up the door. She stepped in and I closed it and then we drove off to the airport.


"Karson I don't know about this."

"It's gonna be okay. This isn't your first time on a plane is it?"

"No, it's my third but-"

"We'll do this together," I said as I put my hand in hers. She hesitated and then squeezed mine. I started rubbing her knuckles until she was calm, then asleep. Our hands were becoming sweaty but I never let go.

"You two are close...Aren't you?" Alex asked curiously from the seat next to us.

"Depends on how you're gonna take it."

"You want to be with her, don't you?"


"I suspected it. I'll...Try to back off."

"You have a crush on her too, I know it."

"Yeah." He replied glumly.

"Why do you like her?"

"I guess it's because...Well, she's not like other girls...She doesn't care what people think about her. She's carefree, kind, sweet, and totally hot."

"All of those are true but you're missing one thing. Her heart is kind as well. I understand her a lot better than you think."

"Care to explain?"

"That's her information. Not mine to share."


Just as we landed she started to wake. She looked at our hands, smiled and turned to look out the window. All was well.

"Well good afternoon beauty. Nice of you to awake."

"Well, I figured I'd get a nap in before you take me shopping. I already know that's gonna be exhausting."

"True. But when we're done you'll look like a model. Not that you don't already but...You'll see."

"Oh, I'm so excited."

"You should be."


"Do you mind that we're all sharing a room?"

"Well, no but...Don't try anything funny." She said glaring at the both of us.

"We won't." Alex and I replied in synchronization. Her voice was strict and we didn't want to test her patience.

"Then we won't have a problem." She suddenly said sweetly smiling.

Damn. That girl could kill a man. Literally. Between her and Mia, it wouldn't surprise me. But anyways, she went to her corner of the room and unpacked her things. She absentmindedly touched her necklace and then continued on. I smiled at her and then started unpacking my items too.

About a half an hour later we were all done and had nothing to do. It was 2 p.m. and Everly was focused on the TV. I didn't want to interrupt her so I just sat down next to her and watched Criminal Minds.

"OH MY GOD, HE'S RIGHT THERE. THAT'S THE MURDERER!! These people are so dumb." She screamed at the flat screen. I chuckled but immediately regretted it.

"WHAT?" She scowled at me.

"Nothing just. You get so into it."

"Well it's not my fault these people are so stupid."

"You're just too smart for them."

"Yes, I suppose I am. Well, it's so obvious!"

"How about we go shopping when this episode is over?"

"Nah we can go out now. I know the end already anyways." She said shrugging and turning off the TV.

"Alex we're going shopping."

"Kay. I'm gonna go meet up with some old friends anyways."

"Bye." Everly and I said.

We walked out of the building and started our day.

"Let's do this." She whispered, probably assuring herself.

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