The Hearing and Order

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Mr. Weasley bobbed up and down excitedly as they went down the escalator, it was the day of Harry's hearing and he was so nervous. What if he was never allowed back into the wizarding world? What if he could never go back to Hogwarts? What if would never see Sirus and Ron? And even worse what if he never could see Hermione?

"Trains! Underground! Genius these Muggles," Mr Weasley said and slapped the oyster card machine when Harry pulled a ticket and put in the machine and Mr Weasley walked back through the machine and Harry did it again and Mr Weasley walked to a telephone box.

"Here we are," Mr Weasley said "I've never used the visitor entrance," they climbed inside and it gave both badges and it started to go downwards under the ground Harry watch in awe as he saw a giant black sleek hall filled with thousands of witches and wizards with many green-lit fireplaces where wizards were coming in and out of. He saw a man selling the Daily Prophet which was titled: 'Dumbledore is he daft or dangerous? Lots of wizards and turned and looked at him as he held his head down still in slight awe of how lovely the Ministry was. It had a large banner of Fudge who was smiling smugly and looking as if he were a king, Harry looked him and gulped. All the times he met Fudge he was ok and fair, but he now had a lot on his back to disprove any things that Voldemort had returned, he had already made up that Dumbledore was crazy and Harry would be next. He quickly followed Mr Weasley into the lift and watched as flying paper planes came into the lift,

"We stopped using owls, all the mess," Mr Weasley said as blue paper planes flew past into another lift

As Harry walked to the hearing room he saw Fudge and Lucius Malfoy talking and Mr. Weasley ushered Harry towards the court room and he stood outside the room and put his hand on Harry's shoulder "In the hearing only speak when you're spoken to, keep calm you've done nothing wrong, as the Muggles say truth will out," he looked at Harry "yes?" Harry nodded and slowly walked into the room. He sat down on a large black chair and Fudge banged his small law hammer on the large judge seat he was in and Harry gasped as he saw over fifty wizards and witches in funny hats glaring at him.

"Displearny hearing of the twelfth of August into offenses committed by Harry James Potter, a resident at number 4 Privet

 Drive Little Whinging Surrey, integrators, Cornelius Osborn Fudge,"

"Witness for the defense Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," Dumbledore said walking in Harry would have smiled but he was too nervous

"So you got our message that the time and place of the hearing had been changed," Fudge said

"I must have missed it but by a happy mistake I arrived at the Ministry three hours earlier," Dumbledore said "Charges?"

"The Charge of the accused are as of the following: he did knowingly produce a Patronus Charm in the presence of a Muggle," Fudge said, "do you deny produce the Patronus?"

"No, but-" Harry said

"Are you aware you are forbidden to use magic outside of school while under the age of seventeen?" Fudge said

"Yes, but-" Harry began

"Witches and Wizards of the Wizengamot-" Fudge began

"I was only doing it because of the Dementors!" Harry said as several hushed voices broke out

"Dementors?" Madam Bones said, "in little Whinging?"

"That's quite clever, Muggles can't see Dementors can they boy that's highly convenient," Fudge said

"There were two of them and if I hadn't-" Harry said

"Enough-" Fudge said "I'm sorry to interrupt what would have been a well-rehearsed story but since you cannot produce any witness of the event,"

"Pardon me, Minister," Dumbledore said, "but as it happens I can," at which Mrs. Figg walked out and sat on the chair as Harry and Dumbledore made their way to the stands

"Explain the event," Madam Bones said

"Well the Dementors were huge and black, everything went cold and I felt that I would never be happy again. The attacked the two boys and then he pulled out his wand and a silvery-white stag came out of it, it hit one of them and with encouragement, it hit the other one then I told him not to put it away just in case more came," Mrs. Figg said

"The chances of two Dementors wondering into a Muggle suburb and attacking to attack people, the odds!" Fudge said

"Oh I don't think the Dementors were there by chance, Minister," Dumbledore said 

"Hem Hem," a toad-faced woman called out she had curly brown hair and a short stumpy stature with green eyes "Dementors are under the control of the Ministry, and that would be most troubling indeed that the Ministry ordered the Dementors there,"

"That would be troubling indeed that why I'm sure the Ministry will be launching a full-scale inquiry why the Dementors were there," Dumbledore and Fudge talked for a while "as in the matter of Harry Potter the law states that in a great case of need that one may perform magic in front of a Muggle in a life threatening situation?"

"Those in favor of conviction," Madam Bones said, Fudge, raised his hand and so did about ten others "Those in favor of clearing the accused of all charges," Madam Bones said again and over half the court raised their hands including Madam Bones and Fudge looked revolted

"All charges cleared," Fudge said banging his hammer as Dumbledore stormed out and he walked with Mr. Weasley gleaming as they walked home obviously an owl had been sent because Sirus said well done to him at lunch, Harry had got changed as he didn't want to be in that horrid  suit that was much too big for him they would have to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow. As he walked up to his room he felt someone leap on him and gave him a bone-crushing hug, her tawny brown hair spilled over his shoulders he nearly fell over and hugged back.

"I knew they couldn't charge you!" Hermione said almost jumping up and down she then kissed him and did do jumps of joy. 

"Thanks, Hermione," Harry said grinning he then told Hermione who Dumbledore had helped and how Susan's mum had helped as well. Harry grinned as Ginny, Fred and George came and congratulated him.

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