Luna Lovegood

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After Sirus had given Harry a picture of the original Order of the Phoenix as he followed Hermione and Ron into the prefects' compartment. Dumbledore had made three Gryffindor prefects because he believed that they would need more support as Voldemort had affected many of their families. Unfortunately, Draco was a prefect, so the most part of the meeting with Professor McGonagall was Draco sneering about how Harry had got off easily and how poor Ron was. The three were grateful to leave and they sat in a carriage with Neville and Ginny, Ron went to find Dean and Seamus and Neville went to find Hannah Abbot leaving just Harry, Hermione, and Ginny who was glaring at Hermione. Hermione opened a book and began to show Harry while Ginny glared on, she finally got up and left and Harry and Hermione breathed a large sigh. She then came in with Cho and a few other Ravenclaw girls smirking, Hermione groaned as they sat down across from them,

"Hello Harry," Cho said smiling, Harry ignored her and pretended he was reading a book "Harry?" Cho said waving in front of Harry "Harry?" Cho then waved at him as Hermione rolled her eyes and looked at Cho who was looking a little stupid

"He's ignoring you," Hermione spat as Ginny rose up and glared at Hermione

"Shut up," Ginny said, "go stuff your face in a book, Granger"

"You shut up," Harry snarled "and I like reading as well,"

"Yeah so why don't you leave us alone?" Hermione said "you jerks!" Hermione snorted "are you jealous? That's it! Ha! They're jealous because Harry likes me not you!"

"What is wrong with you?" Cho said to Hermione

"Nothing? What's wrong with you?" Hermione snapped "why can't you just leave me and Harry alone? Ginny, I thought you were dating someone anyway?"

"SHUT UP!" Ginny snarled raising her wand but Hermione disarmed her and caught her wand as Cho raised her wand but Harry disarmed her and caught her wand one of her friends raised her wand but was quickly disarmed by Hermione leaving the whole group stunned Harry then turned towards Cho and handed her wand back.

"What is wrong with you?" Harry snapped at Ginny "leave her alone!" Hermione nodded "what did she ever do?" Harry slammed his book shut, "just leave us alone," he got up and walked out followed by Hermione leaving a shocked Ginny. They found Neville in a compartment with Ron and sat down next to him and told them what had happened as the trolley witch and Harry brought Hermione lunch as the train went on. After another hour passed before they came to Hogwarts where many people were looking at him, Seamus ignored him and Harry hung his head down and thought what if everyone was like that? While waiting for the carriage he felt hot breath on his back and he and Hermione turned to see a skeletal black horse with pale white eyes and thin wings, Hermione looked puzzled at the horse creature, she then turned to Ron who was unwrapping a sweet and nudged him,

"What is it?" Hermione asked

"What?" Ron said

"This!" Harry said pointing at the horse-like creature

"There's nothing there?" Ron said as they all turned around

"Don't worry you're not going mad," a girl said she was reading a magazine upside-down with horrid pink glasses, she had dirty blonde hair and was wearing a bright blue jacket and bright yellow trousers and pink shoes. They all climbed into her carriage,

"This is Loo-" Hermione began "Luna Lovegood," Luna waved and shook Harry's hand as he sat next to Hermione. He gasped as he looked at the horse-creature which dragged all the carriages and tapped Hermione who gasped when she saw it. They walked into the great hall which earned him several glances, he just shook his head and sat down next to Neville and heard Dumbledore's speech when he was interrupted by the Frog-like woman.

"She was at my hearing," he whispered to Hermione 

After the speech, Hermione looked at him, "This means the Ministry is getting involved at Hogwarts," she said. She and Harry walked into the Gryffindor common room which was packed and there were hisses from every corner and eyes glancing at him then turning away, Ginny and Hermione were having a small argument whilst Harry turned to Dean.

"Have a good summer?" Harry asked

"Yeah, better than Seamus'" Dean replied

"Why?" Harry asked frowning

Seamus stood up "Let me think?" he mocked "because of you, my mam didn't want me to come back this year," people either came forward or backed away "the Daily Prophet been saying a lot of things about you Harry and Dumbledore,"

"Well I don't care," Harry said glaring at Seamus "about the Daily Prophet or what it's been saying,"

Seamus rounded on Harry and his face went red "it's not just me Harry everyone been saying things, about what you've been saying, people are getting scared!"

"Just leave him alone," Ron stepped forward

"So do you believe the rubbish that he's coming out with?" Seamus snarled

"Yes, because Harry wouldn't lie about it," Ron said

"Why would Harry risk making people scared or running Dumbledore's name for that? Why would he lie about something that big?" Hermione said storming off to her dorm and Harry and Ron to theirs

"Seamus was dam out of order," Ron said

"Yeah, thanks, Ron," Harry said throwing Ron a drewball

"Any time mate," Ron smiled 

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