When we speak of Pokimon...One day, AvocadoHuntington travelled far, far away and found a mysterious portal to anotherdimension. In hope of finding thousands of Avocados, he stepped into the portaland land in a big world full of Pokimons. Seeing these awesome creatures,Huntington was filled with determination. But one Pokimon was the cutest,nicest, bestest and crispiest of 'em all...Evocado. Huntington cuddled it untilit fell to the ground and he could catch him. Now he travells through thePokimongraslands and beat the sh*t out of other Pokimons with his Evocado.
The tale of the Avocadohunter
AdventureThe complete, amazing, breathtaking, rashinducing story of the Avocadohunters birth and evolution. Have fun and enjoy.