Chapter 18

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After the roller coaster rides.

Eunhyuk: Ohh stomach hurts(rub his stomach)

Riza: Oh..poor Hyukkie..

eunhyuk: Let's just sit down for awhile

eunhyuk sat on a bench and riza sit beside him

Riza: you want cotton candy?

Eunhyuk: No...I'm good

Riza: oh..

A guy wearing a black suit approached them

Man: Excuse me

Eunhyuk: what do you want from us! (stood up)

Man:,Wait! I'm on your side, ya know...

Eunhyuk: Liar, are you-

Riza: let's just listen to him.

Man: there are two mens looking for ya miss riza and-

Eunhyuk: Shut y-

Riza: hyukkie please

Eunhyuk: Hmph


sorry I'm busy

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