Chapter 3

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Jenna's POV

I continue crying... feeling like my life is being sucked out of my body. All of the sudden, I stop feeling the pain in my body. I start to feel the opposite... comfort. And it was so comforting that I fell alseep.

I wake up and I'm suddenly in a familiar location. I notice that I am at the school I just left earlier. I go to inspect upon why I'm here. I turn the corner going towards the back of the school and I see Victor wearing a wife beater tank top with a sleeveless leather jacket, showing his tattoo sleeves on his arm. He is leaning against the wall next to him. He then looks at me and looks away.

"I don't know why, but I keep sparing your life," he tells me. "Something is preventing me from killing you."

I slowly walk towards him. "I wanna know why you decided to save me? You could've ended me many of times and you also could've let me suffer being a vampire."

He looks at me. "Like I said, I can't. I couldn't kill you then and I can't kill you now. I managed to not let my humanity be overtaken by my wolf side. And I didn't want you to turn into something vile and heartless as a vampire. Who has to live on forever with the fact that they don't serve a purpose here on earth except to survive." he shakes his head. "I was suppose to avenge my friend, but spared your life instead."

I try not to feel insulted by his mediocre harsh sentence because I know he's correct. I sigh. "I'm sorry for killing him. I know you won't except my apology but it's worth a try."

"Your apology means everything to me. There's no way I can't accept it. Your true intentions weren't to hurt him and he did attack you. I made a promise to take your life so this is hard for me to process in my brain." he give me a half smile. "All I know is that I won't let anything happen to you, Jenna. And I can promise you that."

His words echoes and my vision goes blurry. I close my eyes and open them. I'm back in my room, but for some reason, fear overtakes me quickly and I start to panic. Did I just die??? What happened?? W..where are the vampires that tried to kill me??

I then feel warm hands touch my face and a familiar yet soft voice say;

"Relax, Jenna. Just take some deep breaths in and out."

I do as he says and I start to feel better. Then I get this realization that someone is in my house. I look and see Victor is the one holding my face. His eyes were dark but soft... as if he cares about my well-being... wait a minute. This is the same asshole who was mean as hell to me at school! I move his hand away from my face and he backs up. "What the hell-!" I shout. "Why are you in my room?? In my house?? Did you set those vampires up to kill me? Did you think it was okay to make it out like you're this good guy who saved my life after you have been a d*ckwad to me at school?"

"I saved you from getting killed by vampires, or possibly becoming one!" Victor shouts back. His eyes are now full of hatred and are stone cold... the eyes I remember from the way he looked at me before this night happened. He continues, "Be grateful that happened. Because if I'd let my wolf side consume by humanity completely, you would've been left for dead, regardless if I fate fell for you or not."

I suddenly remember that I was just told that in the little short dream I had not too long ago before waking up. The only thing I wasn't told was about a fate fell. "What's a fate fell? And is that why you haven't killed me?"

He grunts and cusses under his breath. "Just thank me and get over it." he heads to the window to leave out of it.

"Victor, wait!" I hear another familiar voice say. I see Gordon sitting in my office chair, his eyes also being dark instead of hazel. "Let me explain it to her."

I give Gordon my full attention. "I'm listening."

"A fate fall is when wolves like us finds a mate and we have to protect them with our lives. In a pack, no one can hurt each other's mate and the mates have full protection granted by our fellow pack members. The mate is marked with a bite with consent of the other party of course. In your case, he had to make sure you didn't turn into a vampire, so he already bit you. Victor is a heartless bastard at times, but he did manage to not only save your humanity but watch over you too until he hears from you that you're okay."

I look at Victor. "Thank you. It means a lot that you did that for me." I turn to Gordon. "Thank you for explaining."

Gordon nods once and jumps out of my window. Victor goes to follow, but I call out his name to get his attention. I get up from my bed and walk to him.

"I don't know if you will accept my apology, but I am sorry and I give my condolences to Emmett," I say.

Victor looks into my eyes. It's almost intimidating, but his eyes became soft. He gave a slight smile. "It's very much appreciated." he sits on the windowsill. "Keep this window closed and locked so nothing like this can happen again. Also, invest in a fan."

I chuckle. "I'll decide."

His smile grows slightly bigger, and he says "Good night" before jumping out my window. It's honestly the first time I've seen Victor smile at all. (Even if it wasn't a full one.) I am forever grateful for him saving my life tonight and watching over me.

Victor's POV

I head home and my "loving" parents were waiting for me near the door for God knows how long. I can sense them at the door before opening it. It feels as if I don't matter to them anymore, so I honestly shouldn't even bother caring if they care about me or not. I use my key to unlock the front door and I walk in, trying to rush upstairs to my room. I then pause when I hear my dad shout my name.

"Where were you?" he asks.

"Out doing something for James," I answer. I wasn't planning on giving him any more information. 

"Victor, where were you really?" my dad asks again. "You're always out doing something for James. But we better not get another call from the police saying that you were at some adolescent's home and--"

"What I do for James is absolutely none of your business," I snap. "And don't bring up what you're about to say."

"Watch your tone, boy." my dad responds. "It's no one's fault but yours that you got caught--"

I start to feel a burning sensation throughout my body. My bones start rattling, ready to shift in any moment.  I ignore my father and start to think about Jenna. Her eyes soothe me. Her voice relaxes me. Her beauty stuns me. It's like... she was made for me. I chuckle to myself about the tiny poem I created in my head.

I didn't feel like putting up a fight anymore, although my dad continued talking and my mom is doing absolutely nothing to stop him. I go upstairs into my room and lay on my bed. My dad is the reason why I'm always angry and mean. Most people in my school knows about the... incident... and my parents thinks I did it. I got out of jail because of my uncle that bailed me out.

I had to think of something that won't make me turn into a wolf because of my rage. So, I think about Jenna's beautiful smile and her eyes. Her precious olive skin and her gorgeous hair.

I think she might not believe my story. Everyone thinks I'm a scary person. And people know my story but knows the truth. I don't want to mention her name because what she pulled gets me angry. Hopefully, Jenna might learn the real me.

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