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Dan and Phil watched as the coroner pulled up the sheet. They both gave a sigh of relief and turned to the man.

"This isn't y/n" They both said relieved, but saddened for the poor girl and her true family.

The man nodded covering the body and smiled slightly at the boys. "Well then you both still have hope. I hope you find her soon." the man said putting his hand on Phils shoulder. "I can see that you both love her very much, she's lucky to have be able to think about you in a time like this to give her strength"

Phil nodded and gave him a smile "Thank you" he said

Dan smiled at Phil as they walked out but it soon faded "If that wasn't y/n... Then where is she?" Dan asked looking down at his feet.

your pov-

you banged on the cellar door "Let me out!" you yelled angrily

You just wanted to get out and see Dan and Phil again. You wanted to hear their laughing and Phils terrible jokes while Dan looked at tumblr. You wanted to watch as they played games and edited videos. You wanted to feel their warm hugs... and you wanted to feel their kisses most of all.

After a while of not hearing a thing you slid back down the wall and leaned your head back. Your stomach growled loudly making you groan. You hadn't eaten since you got here, you hadn't even seen Ivan since he locked you down here. 'Is he even here?' you thought to yourself and got up to look around.

The walls were covered in mold and the floor was cracked cement. The room was barely high enough for you to stand fully up and was about 5 yards by 10. It was relatively small with a single light hung in the middle by a single wire.

The floor was covered with planks of wood, a dirty shovel, a few nails, and an empty water bottle.

You thought for a while before coming to a plan. You gathered the nails and grabbed a plank of wood that seemed sturdy and was easy to swing with one hand along with the shovel. You then started to hammer the nails through using the shovel as the hammer. Once done the plank had about a dozen nails in the top part and you could swing it pretty hard. Just as you put the stuff back where it was you heard the door unlock and you ran to hide under the wooden stairs holding your weapon close.

"Oh y/n~" You heard Ivan purr an could see his shadow as he moved down the stairs.

You gripped the plank tighter as you saw him at the bottom of the stairs just infront of you and swung as hard as you could. The nails driving deep into his shoulder and the side of his face.

Ivan cried out in pain an you jerked the plank up opening the wounds before pushing it causing him to fall the ground letting you run upstairs. You slammed the door shut and locked it before looking around for his cellphone.

You could hear him banging on the door yelling angrily as you looked. Finally you found a wall phone in the living room and called the police. You told them who took you and how you didn't know where you were.

"That's ok, just stay on the line and we will trace your call. It'll only take about three minutes ma'am" the officer said calmly.

"please hurry" you begged an waited as they traced the call. After a few minutes you heard a door open from somewhere in the house and quickly hung up before hiding.

"Ivan?" You heard a girl call out an rush to the cellar door opening it worried. "Oh my god! What happened?!"

"Y/n. Did you see where she went?" You heard Ivan said obviously in pain.

"No, I'll go search outside for the bitch, you go clean up. She couldn't have gotten far, there's no one for miles" The girl said with a smirk as she walked out the front door only a few feet from where you were in a closet behind abunch of clothes and jackets.

You closed your eyes and tried to steady your breathing but let out a gasp as you heard Ivan yell in pain. You quickly covered your mouth but it was too late. Ivan had heard and was yelling at the top of his lungs "Where are you?! Y/N!" he called out as he started tearing apart the living room. You looked out of the crack in the door only to see him swing it open and give an evil smirk as he looked down at you

"Found you"

new neighbor(Dan x reader x Phil) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now