Lost Heart

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You opened your eyes groggily an tried to sit up only to slam your head hard into the cold metal of a trunk nearly knocking yourself out again. You groaned and rolled over onto your side only to find out your ankles and arms were binded tightly. You laid back and looked around confused 'how am i here? what's going on?' The last thing you could remember was Phil kissing your cheek goodnight then... oh no... You could feel your heart race fast as you squirmed and tried to scream for help only for a harsh croak to come out. 

        You felt tears fall down your cheeks as you squirmed trying to somehow escape your restraints, but to no avail, in fact you got the rope caught on something you couldn't see. You suddenly felt the car slow to a stop and you swore your heart was about to burst through your chest with each footstep you heard. You decided that your best bet was to pretend to be asleep still. 

        Slowly the trunk opened just as you relaxed closing your eyes and steadied your breathing. Luckily it was easy after doing it for years around him. 

        Adrian just smirked as he went to pick you up only to find the fraying rope caught on a jagged piece of metal barely attacked to the car. He rolled his eyes as he looked down at your small frame. He gently brushed your messy hair out of your face. 

"You really are a little pixie. So small and helpless. And so easy to control" He smirked and untied your bounds after deciding that you were still knocked out. 

        You did your best not to tense or make any indication that you were awake and it seemed to work. He let his guard down as he put you down and walked away. You waited for a second before peeking and saw him make the car he just took you out of drive into a ditch. You took that moment to grab a good size rock before jumping up and ran towards the road. You ran as fast as you could and ignored the screaming of your numb legs. 

        You could hear Adrian behind you "Pixie~ you're gonna get hurt. You should just come back to your master~" He said teasingly 

        You looked around as you ran but saw no cars making your heart sink. You were out in the open for everyone to find you, but there was no one around to see it. You cried out in pain as Adrian caught up an gripped your hair tightly. You stumbled back into him as you whimpered an swung to hit him with the rock.

        But you were too slow. he grabbed your wrist and squeezed hard sending waves of pain up your arm causing you to drop the rock. 

"Oh dear, looks like you've been a very bad pixie. I guess you missed your punishments~" he smirked an you shook your head whimpering. "What's wrong? Kitty got your tongue? Or are you finally going to behave like you use to?" 

        You two were in the middle of a road surrounded by nothing with no one around. You had no choice but to give up. You could feel your heart drop as your arms fell to your side and you looked down at your feet. 

        You give up

                He won

                        He always wins


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