Here We Are!

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"" I forced myself to say, trying not to blush. Is it wrong for me to think Parasoul is very hot? I mean...I can't be as forward as an irish dude, like Isaac...yet, I had to ignore that; I was a black egret. I had something to ask, and it was important.

"Yes, Finch?" I sighed, and told her, I'd be dropping out of the Egrets. I explained that since the world didn't have a Skullgirl problem, I have no need to continue, and maybe get a different job. "Hm...very well. I'm in a good mood, so I'll allow your departure,"

Oh good, I wasn't instantly rejected. I guess I can finally leave this business behind...

Don't count on it, weakling...

What? Hm. I hope that Loki will behave. I had already used enough medication and repressive supplements to keep this parasite out of my system.

You see, I can't control him as much as I want to. Loki is one of those parasites who rather be in charge 24/7. Also, probably the only other reason the egrets even allowed me to train in the program...minimal at best, since he doesn't listen to my commands at all.

I assumed it was just a phase, but...

Nah, I don't want to think about it right now. I just wanted to get a new job.

Packing was easy. I barely had a lot of snazzy outfits that New Meridian shops often have. And I only had three pairs of glasses; two for everyday, one being similar to goggles. The last one was a gift from the Black Egrets, but...y'know, I'll keep it for sentimentality.

Putting on my trench coat over my sweater, I walked into the streets of the city, hoping to figure out a good outlet for my new life. The papers typically had something for me.

I could see a few...Car Wash Manager? Assistant Tailor? Mm...I may need to keep reading. Maybe something a little more...worth my time, in a sense.

However, nothing seemed to click...

Perhaps you'd be able to do so much more than trivial matters...if you STOP resisting me...

Augh...that migraine is back again. Loki really is stepping up his game today. Perhaps I should see Leduc...he was at least vaguely familiar with the parasites, synthetic or natural.

I probably made around thirty trips to find a far the only things that can work for a high-schooler like me....hehe...I forgot, at my age, I'm supposed to do high school. Guess I didn't think that through as much. Ah, Christ...

You really suck at timing...


Perhaps I could still make it to school, I had a license, and enough cash to at least buy a small rental, not the good ones though.


"Ah, this is school...normal, non-combat school...nice!" I laughed, a little excited, as I adjusted my uniform in my pre-owned pickup. Stepping out, I looked around, getting a feel of the area. "Okay, get an education that isn't  life threatening, achieve a job during the summer time, be- OOf!!"

I walked into somebody, as they dropped a cello case. The girl...erm, girl...was a slightly disfigured person. Parasoul mentioned a Carol, or Painwheel as she was called before. It took awhile, but Carol was back, and Brain Drain's little enhancements didn't affect her as much.

"Oh...sorry," Carol apologized, getting the cello case back.

"Eh...n-no problem..." Man, I really need to learn how to talk to girls. 

Look behind you~

"................." My face was extremely red right about now. In front of me was the most beautiful woman I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, next to Princess Parasoul, obviously. And..A-and she the my god.

"Uh, hi? You seem new here," Oh god that smile. I wish I had balls, this is just too much right now.

"Y-Yeah! J-just decided to continue...I never did 'normal' school," I added air quotes, hoping to distract from the obvious nervousness. It failed.

Mostly because I heard a faint chuckle from the parasite known as 'Samson' underneath her hat. She clearly assumed I didn't know about her files, well, written; they didn't have a picture. And she did fumble with her hat a bit.

"Oh, where did you go?" Filia asked me.

"Vocational Military Academy...basically," I half-lied, not making it obvious I was a trainee Black Egret.

"Military school? Did your parents hate you, or something?"

"N-no...they, wanted me to follow in their footsteps, but...hehe, I decided to do something else, and they respected my choice, hehe," I couldn't help but struggle between these two girls. I was really bad at this, really bad at this...

Maybe you want ME to help? HM?!


"Oh, you have a migraine...does that happen a lot?" Carol seemed vaguely concerned about my sudden discomfort.

"Yes...I have medication, so, don't worry...Oh SHIT! We're gonna' be late," I looked at the clock atop the school. We all had to hoof it to ensure our teacher wouldn't, as an Irish guy once said, 'rip us a new one'. Whatever that means.


"Wow, you really are ahead of us. Shouldn't you be in college?" Filia congratulated my latest success. I guess the high school of 'normal' people had low expectations, because every class was only 10 minutes for me, or none, if I already know the curriculum.

"Maybe...b-but...uh...s-see you...later, I guess," I must've broke into a run, because I ended up in an alley. Both from nervousness from a girl talking to me on a daily basis, and Loki tearing my psyche apart.

C'mon, child. You seem tired...just GIVE UP, AND LET ME HANDLE IT!

"S-shut up, Loki...not right" I noticed a small statuette in the alley. It looked very odd, and even reminded me of a certain lady. Grabbing it, I looked around, seeing if anyone was around. "Hm...Parasoul might like, I'm not an, Leduc knows about this item? I know they make these all the time, but...this doesn't look-AUGHHAHAJAHG!!!!!!"

The statuette finally glowed a sparkling aura, forming in a flash, a being. A being that looked, awfully...familiar. Like clone familiar.

She looked exactly like Filia. Exactly. The only difference being that she was darker skinned, with eye shadow, and green hair. Other than that, she was basically off color Filia.

"FINALLY!!! NOW I'M BACK BITCHES!!! PRAISE ME!" Huh, Filia wouldn't be that way. Another reason why she might not be her. And of course, she was looking at me, confused, and slightly disappointed. "Man, I thought I'd have comic-con level crowds around me. Who this?"

"Uh...Finch? And you are???"

"Hah! I AM FUKUA!!! The greatest heroine of this day and age, and completely unique in every way,"

"You look like Filia..." I uttered, covering my mouth, when I saw her twitch at that name.

"FUKUA! That name means jack shit! I AM FUKUA, one of a kind! You hear me!?!"

"Y-yeah...that um, Parasite's name though?"

"Oh, Shamone. He is strong and silent,"

"So, Samson fused with Michael Jackson? Hehe...don't hurt me..." I whined near the end.

"I. AM. NOT. FILIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed at me. "Fukua. Not Filia! Fukua, Fukua! Not Filia, Filia is Filia. I AM FUKUA, okay? Okay, you get it, we're different,"

"........" I didn't believe that at all. She was clearly off color Filia. Like those discount original characters on DefiantArt. Do not steal. 

Of course, she seemed to catch on to me not believing that she wasn't just Filia.

"Oh, you don't believe me? I'll show you! I'll show you! I will prove that I am nothing like that black haired bitch," She grabbed my arm forcefully, pulling me towards...who knows. At least this distracts from the Loki business.

Seriously...who, and why? 

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