The Royal Escape

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When we are about to reach the port of Baltimore my phone rung. "Yes Your Majesty?" I answered. "Can you just call me Hon? I am no Prince for you, I am your husband to be." He asked with sweetness in his voice. "Oh, Sorry my dear, I am seating beside My Secretary." I answered whispering. "Have you reached Baltimore? Please be safe for me okay? And be nice with the ZCS Corporation and the prospected investors okay? I love you, I am in my room now preparing for the cultural show later." He said. "Aha, wear your ring, I mean our ring. Hmmp. At least incase you forget that your getting married, they may observed." I answered with a smile. "Oh, Hon, I am yours, solely yours." He replied. "Okay Hon, I love you. Call me after the event their okay? I am on my way to the Royal Carriage waiting. I miss you. Bye." I answered.

            When I am on my way to the ZCS Corporation, I again witness how our people respected the Royal Family by waving flowers every time they saw a Royal Carriage passing by. I smiled because I remember when I went out of Westbledon without the knowledge of my servants and any of the Royal Family.

            -"Your Majesty, I was told that the Queen Mother was not feeling well since last night." My secretary informed me. "Okay, I will be visiting the Queen Mother." I said.

            "Your Majesty the Queen Mother directed us to inform everyone that she's not entertaining any visitor today." Her secretary told me. "Even members of the Royal Family?" my secretary asked. "Yes your majesty." She answered. I returned to my Palace with a big why in my mind. I don't understand what's happening. She has change since he came to my Palace last few months ago to check me after travelling from Ayatullah. I am so worried especially that my mother and father are still in their official travel to the United Kingdom of the Eastern Lands and the Principality of Asturiaz and will be coming home 7 days from now.

            When I reached my office and my palace, "I wanted to know all the happenings at the Executive Palace, I want to know whether the Queen Mother eats her meals and if her conditions get better. I have to take care of the transactions of the country especially major appointments." I directed my secretary. "Your Majesty, I was told that the Queen Mother have signed some documents in her palace a few minutes ago. I was also told that her palace was still working at this juncture. They are receiving communications and the ministries are still reporting in her palace." My secretary answered. Those words make me wonder and be bothered. "I don't understand what's happening in Westbledon." I uttered while holding my forehead following a deep breath.

            While looking at my table, I saw my phone then suddenly it rings. It was Prince Raphael, "Yes?" I asked "Hi, I would just like to say good morning and have a wonderful day ahead my love." He replied. I was with mixed emotions that time. I don't understand that despite of the happenings in the palace I still manage to smile because of his words. "Thanks my love, you too." I replied to him. "What are you doing now my love?" he followed up. When suddenly, the Queen Mother' situation came to my mind. "Oh, I've just visited the Queen Mother who was not feeling well today." We continued the conversation for about an hour.

            I went to my office and continue studying military tactics. I decided to have some archery training because I told myself, I should master archery being a royal family. The field was located between the Executive Palace and the Golden Palace. I was striking my target when I saw the Queen Mother standing at her terrace. I just smiled and do my best to show her how expert I am now with archery thinking and hoping that it would relax her. I hit my targets in all my shoots. When I saw that she's no longer observing my training, I went into my palace, and while taking a rest , "Your Majesty, The Queen Mother asked your presence in the Grand Palace." A servant of her came and told us. "His Majesty will be there in few minutes, he would just settle himself" my secretary answered. I took a shower and immediately wear my traditional Crown Prince attire.

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