a finnal goodbye?

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*You pack up your  stuff  sighing at the sight    of your now empty house*  well          this is. The last time ill see this place. I wonder. What dash will. Say i hope. She will not be sad oh man    *you walk. Up to dashes  doorstep no one. Home  you check twilights castle  no one home. You  desided ti go home  so you  do. You go home and put you stuff in your cloud  car  and you look  for.  Rainbow dash. For  one finnal goodbye * rainbow dash:oh hey something up you seem. To be cryimg alot    well  what ever it is we can get over it together.   You.   I i gave to move. And i came. For a  finnal goodbye *crys. Softly    before  you leave. You and dash spend the day. Together  dash kissess you right when.  The sun. Gose down. You both share a final kiss  you say. You have to  go now  dash waves goodbye as you. Fly. Into. The   night sky* the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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