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Her arms were outstretched across the narrow table,the inside of her arms were facing up, and her wrists were red from the tight hand cuffs holding her down. A bright blue light shone in her face, and light footsteps could be heard making their way towards where Georgia was seated.

She squirmed in the chair as she awoke and the echoing footsteps drew nearer. A white strip of cloth covered Georgia's mouth. The sound of muffled cries and rattling handcuffs filled the room as Georgia realized she wasn't at home.

"Finally. You're awake." Said a female voice. More strained cries came from Georgia as the woman faced her.

"Hello Georgia. I am Bambi Groves, but you can call me Bambi. Please, don't think of me as the enemy, think of me as an old friend." She said calmly.

Georgia stopped her useless struggling and an outraged expression crossed her face. Just the thought of thinking of her captor as a friend sickened her.

Bambi pulled out a small needle from her white lab coat.

"This won't hurt much. Just need some blood." Bambi said, flicking the tip of the needle like doctors do in movies.

Georgia tried to move her arm out of the needles way, but failed miserably. The needle only touched for a second, but she still let out a small wimper.

"That should be enough for now." Bambi said to herself and started walking away.

A small sigh, and then sobs could be heard throughout the room.Tears rolled down Georgia's cheek. She squeezed her eyes shut as tight as possible, wishing that this was just a dream.

When she opened her eyes two small girls, about seven years old, were standing in front of her.

"Hi! My name is Trinity!" Said the girl to left. She had bright blue hair and yellow eyes that would frighten anyone that saw them.

"And I'm Waverly!" Said the girl to the right. Her hair was bright red and her eyes were white with a pink tint to them.

"You wanna know how to get outta here?" The girls said in unision. Georgia raised her eyebrows excitedly, wanting to know how to escape.

But the girl's answer wasn't what she thought it would be. They simply replied:

"The only way out is you!" Which was again said in unison.

Before Georgia had a chance to reply, a tall women with short blond came in yelling at the girls to get out.

"Bye Georgia!" Trinity yelled.

"See ya later Georgia." Waverly yelled as her and Trinity skipped out of the room.

How they knew her name, no one would ever know. Trinity and Waverly Stranger had been in the lab since they were just babies. Their parents were both scientists at the lab expirimenting genetics. Explaining why they'd both had weird hair and eyes. Ever since they were little they seemed to know things they hadn't been told.

"You must be Georgia Carter." The blond woman said facing Georgia.

The room went silent for a few moments. The woman wanted everything to sink into Georgia's mind before she said anything else.

"You know, you're famous around here." She started. "Your father was the scientist who founded this organization. He came up with all kinds of new expirements we could try, but then he left us. Something about getting his girlfriend pregnant and needing to support her." She said angrily. "Can you believe it! He chose his girlfriend and child over us! The ones who were helping him! The ones who supported him!" She spat in Georgia's face.

Georgia's heart dropped to the pit of her stomach when she heard about her father. This woman was obviously angry about the fact that an unborn child was chosen over her. She didn't care about the fact that Mason had left the organization, she cared that he had left her. After years of thinking that he had a thing for her, she found that he had a girlfriend, and her heart was shattered.

"You know, Veronica and Mason got what they deserved." She cackled before Bambi strode into the room with a clipboard and started shooing her away.

"I'm sorry about Autumn, she's a bit out of it." Bambi explained. Georgia started to sigh in relief, happy that Autumn was gone.

"Okay. Now that I've told you that, I have some good news!" Bambi stated cheerily.

"Good news? You're letting me out of this freak show?" Georgia thought.

"You have the rarest blood type in the world, most peopole don't even know it exists! We were guessing you'd be the same as your mom, and we were right!" Bambi said proudly. "And now I will let you ask questions before we start the testing!"

The cloth on Georgia's mouth was ripped off and she started gagging. Bambi rushed over and patted her on the back.

"Any questions?" She asked after Georgia's coughing fit.

"What are you going to do to me?" Georgia said still coughing a little.

"Sorry. Wrong question." Said Bambi in a robotic voice. Red, blue, and green wires decended to from the ceiling.

"Wha-what are you doing!"

"It's okay sweetie. It'll all be okay." Bambi replied in the same robotic voice.

She attached blue wires to her face, red wires to her scalp, and green wires to the back of her head and her upper neck.

"OFF!" Shouted Bambi and Georgia felt nothing. She heard nothing. She couldn't see anything. No smells met her nose and couldn't even taste the spit in her mouth.

She tried to scream, but stayed comlpetely still. She had no control whatsoever. And suddenly she was alone in a white room.

"Hello!" She shouted.

"Begin." Was the last thing Georgia heard before everything changed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2012 ⏰

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