chapter 1

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I was sitting in lunch at my school, it was a typical day, Boring and uneventful. my best friend Grace was off with her newly found soulmate, so I sat alone at lunch. It was a sad to say but Grace was really my only friend the others only hung out with me because of her, If it wasn't for Grace coming and adopting me as her best friend I would have always sat alone, seeing as how I haven't found my soulmate yet. The way it worked was when you found your soulmate both of your hearts with glow. Sometimes it wasn't immediately when you met them but maybe a few weeks later sometimes even months. But it was always in the time it was meant to be. that was the case with Grace, she had known Chandler for about 3 weeks, or rather, she started talking to him 3 weeks ago. He has been going to our school for over a year. I, on the other hand, have only been going to Ridgeview High for about 8 months. I wasn't very outgoing so I wasn't "popular",I actually got bullied a lot. when Grace wasn't looking of course, Everyone loved Grace. And of course that meant I couldn't tell her about all the times I got bullied by people she  called "friends". they would kill me if I tattled, So I kept quiet and endured the torment of Jaden and everyone else.
I got up and threw away my trash, heading to my locker to get my Spanish notebook. When I got to my locker Grace came over.

"Hey Brooke!" It was evident from the smile she gave me that she was still on a high of excitement from finding Chandler, even though it was over month ago.

"Hi." I said faking a smile. Chandler was waiting a little ways down the hall for Grace and looked impatient.

"Sorry I didn't sit with you at lunch today, Chandler took me out to eat." I of course forgave her knowing she meant it, She wouldn't hurt a fly.

"It's fine. I understand"

"I can't wait till you find your soul mate!" She continued enthusiastically " it is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me!"

"Yeah," I said forcing myself to sound excited "I can't wait"

Grace couldn't contain her excitement  any longer and began to hop up and down, her wavy blond hair bobing, " I wonder who it will be! Do you think you've met them yet? Oh! You and I can go on double dates when you find yours!"

Chandler walked over and put his arm around grease his shoulder "Babe we should get going."

"Oh! You're right! Let's go. Bye Brooke!" She waved as she turned to walk down the hall.

I began to walk to Spanish, or rather job seeing as how I was almost late. Grace and I have been talking less and less lately seeing if I should been so caught up with Chandler. Which I completely understood, finding your soulmate was a big deal, but to leave your best friend? That wasn't okay. Without Grace I was half of a person. She made me outgoing, she made me laugh- things no one else could do. She made me feel grounded which in my life was hard. My dad had a government job and was always moving. I never stayed in one place longer than 2 years. My parents promised that if I found my soulmate in one of the towns they wouldn't move, but so far I hadn't found them, And I really didn't want to move this time. despite being bullied I had made an amazing best friend and I had fallen in love with the town. Which went against all of my rules I tried to never get attached, it hurt too much because in the end I always left. But I was 17 now, I really didn't want to leave especially now at the end of high school. Which is why I was hoping to find my soulmate here, and Grace was supposed to help but things happened. She found Chandler and all of our plans have been put on hold. But I still hold out hope that he was here. my soulmate was somewhere maybe in this very school!
I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't see him. Jayden had stopped in the middle of the hallway and me, being very distracted, ran straight into him and dropped all my books.

"Falling for me already, Dunlow?" He gave me a smile that any other girl would have drooled over, but I wasn't any girl. I knew what he was, he didn't fool me. He and I lived in the same neighborhood and out mom's were,  like best friends , which was very annoying. He was so egotistical it was driving me crazy. He thought because his parents had money he owned the school, and since he was good looking every girl had to like him. Not this girl I thought I can see through you. And I'm not fooled.
I quickly picked up my books so I didn't have to be near him a second longer than necessary. I stood up and brushed past him to my Spanish class,  and was of course late.
I swear Jayden Stone you mess  everything in my life up.

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