Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: It's Obvious

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." -Lao Tzu



"What are the results?" I ask as I walk up behind Fury.

 "Everything checks out; she's healthy," Director Fury states as he turns around to face me, "Tell me, Tony, does she remind you of anyone?"

 "I mean, she kinda looks like Pepper in the face, but that'd make sense assuming she's what? Pepper's cousin? Niece?" I put my hands under my arms.

 "She is most definitely related to Pepper. But she's a genius, Tony; her IQ is one hundred seventy-three. That's only one point behind you and she's only seventeen," Director Fury looks at me straight in the eyes.

 "I didn't realize the standard once-overs now included IQ tests," I state unenthusiastically only to recieve an unamused look from Director Fury, "So, what are you saying? You're going to recruit her for the Avengers, that's great. I'm not a fan of losing my unique title of Iron Man, however."

 "Maybe, I haven't decided," Fury cocks his head, "You know people don't just get their academic abilities from two average parents."

 "You're saying this girl has two ridiculously smart parents, okay," I shrug, Director Fury sighs, "I'm sorry I'm not following you here. Are you trying to hint at something I don't know?"

 "When did you meet Pepper?" Fury asks.

 "Oh boy, I think she became an intern around eighteen years ago? Then my assistant ten years ago."

 "Yeah, you want to talk to Pepper, as soon as possible."

 "Sir, we need you to come look at something," Agent Hill interrupts our conversation.

 "Are you trying to tell me Pepper has a kid with some other guy?" I ask quickly.

 "Anything but," Director Fury starts to walk out of the room with Agent Hill.

 "What are you trying to hint at here?" I call after him.

 "You are indeed blind Mr. Stark if you cannot see this," He shouts over his shoulder. 

 With that, I'm left in the control wing of the helicarrier even more lost than I was moments ago. I couldn't piece together what Nick Fury was implying.

 I sigh and find my way back towards the hospital wing. I find Captain Rogers leaning against the wall outside of Monica's room. "What are you doing here?"

 "Seeing who all this fuss is about," Steve pulls away from the wall to look at me.

 "Yeah, well there she is," I motion towards the room, "The girl who thought she could just build a suit and get away with it."

 Steve chuckles and shakes his head, "Have you talked to Pepper yet?"

 "I'm going back down as soon as this girl gets into a real room. I would go down sooner but Fury's orders."

 "Mr. Stark, I ran the diagnostics of Miss Pott's suit for you," Agent Coulson appears next to us, "They're ready for you to look at."

 "Thanks," I nod.

 I leave Coulson and Captain Rogers for my workshop. I have to squeeze past a squadron of agents who are en route to the hangar. I strategicaally avoid people as I read Jarvis's overview on what is named "suit one". The automatic doors sldie open as I enter the laboratory. "Jarvis, what do we got here?" I inquire.

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