Chapter 16

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Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! I hope you guys are okay with my updating schedule, it's definitely slowed down since school started again. I don't want to lose my fans lol .. Anyways, enjoy!

"Ah! We have to at least visit the onsen before we leave this town! I haven't been to one in forever." White excitedly jumps up and down, her brown curls bouncing as she imagines the warm water pooling against her and the warm steam clouding the air.

N tilts his head to the side innocently. "Onsen? Isn't that a Japanese styled hot spring? I've never gone to one before... Are they fun?"

White turns around, directing a big grin towards N. Her deep blue eyes sparkle in excitement. "Onsen are the best! I can't believe you've never gone... They're so relaxing." She sighs in contentment as she begins to imagine the hot spring again.

Steven walks between them, interrupting their conversation. "Alright then, we should visit the hot spring before we leave the town! I'll pay for us." Steven directs a little smug look at N, flaunting his cash mentally with his eyes. He could tell N was broke, and he obviously wanted to find leverage over N in any way he could.

White was oblivious to their little squabbles, and she couldn't help that a smile grew upon her face. She knew if she had paid to go to the hot spring, her wallet would be cleaned out for a while. If Steven was going to offer, she was definitely going to take him up on it. After all, the former champion was obviously literally rolling in the dough. "Thanks, Steven! I owe you!"

A little grimace makes its way on N's face. He didn't like how Steven kept trying to impress White. It made him feel lackluster and he found himself mentally paling in comparison to the rich and sophisticated former champion. He also didn't like that he wasn't able to pay for White either... He felt bad. She often ended up paying for a lot of the things since he hadn't had much money ever since he left Team Plasma.

Psh.... I'll have you know, Steven. I was previously a king. N pouts a little, directing a little glare in Steven's direction. Steven was still gloating, happy that he could make White happy in a way N couldn't.

The pair enter the main building of the hot spring, admiring the traditional styled Japanese architecture. The floor was composed of many tatami mats, and the doors around them were all the classic paper screen sliding doors. They approach the woman at the counter, and Steven begins to negotiate their stay. N and White wait patiently.

After Steven finishes paying the woman at the counter, he turns around and flashes them both a wide grin. "We've got a one night stay here, as well as unlimited access to the hot springs."

White squeals in happiness, excited for the luxury that would be coming her way. N finds himself smiling too, her bright smiles were always infectious. They all head off towards their reserved hotel room.


N looks around frantically, wildly confused. Where did White and Steven go? I just went to go to the bathroom... They already left me behind. But I do have to admit, this yukata they provided for us to wear is quite comfy... But where are the hot springs?

N walks down the wooden hallways, looking around for any sort of door, or any sort of telltale warm steam he was expecting of a hot spring. Eventually, he found two double doors which were right next to each other, and he had a hunch it was the hot springs, due to the steam coming out from under the paper screen doors.

Does it matter which door I open? They both seem to lead to the hot spring.

However, N didn't notice the small text at the top of the doors which read the male and female divisions of the hot spring. He opens the door, being greeted with the sight of a nearly naked White. His mouth drops open and his eyes widen as he takes in the sight of her. She currently had her back turned to him, and she appeared to be undressing from her robe that the hotel had provided. The robe was nearly off her by now, and he could see the subtle curve of her bottom as she slips the robe down further. As of now, he could currently see her entire naked back as well as most of her bottom. He found himself wanting more...

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Where stories live. Discover now