Chapter 23

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Zayns POV


I scooped up Liam into my arms and let out a sob I didn't know was built in my chest. He had numerous bruises on his very skinny body, he had a busted lip, and a big black spot on his left eye. He let out a painful whimpers and started lowly crying. "NICK ! TAKE US TO THE HOSPITAL ASAP !" I screamed and nick came into my view holding a sleeping Niall and Louis wrapped around his right leg. He quickly noticed my panicked expression ad the lifeless child in my arms and he quickly sprang into action. We both managed to get all three of the kids inside the car safely but I wanted to hold Liam because he seemed too weak to even sit on his own. I looked at my babe and examined his appearance. His clothes were the same pijamas we was kidnapped in just battered and disheleaved, his little arms had bruises and scars of god knows what. His poor little face had a huge black eye and a cut up bottom lip. I let out a watery sigh of distress and waited impatiently as we went to the hospital.

"SOMEONE ! PLEASE HELP ! MY NEPHEW IS HURT !" Nick screams as we entered the hospital. Almost as soon as I could react about 2 or 3 nurses came to out aid. "Don't worry sir, we will do they best we can. He's in good hands." One of the nurses told me and I trusted them. Nick took me and the kids into the waiting room. I hold into Louis while Niall still managed to sleep the whole way over here. "Papa ? Liam gon' be okay ?" Louis asks in a small voice. "Of course he is baby ! We both know how strong he is. He's gonna be just fine." I say to him actually believing myself there for a minute. Louis soon sits in the floor and plays with two little car toys, that he managed to get into is little jacket pockets. "Zee ? You feeling alright ?" Nick asks and I sigh. "Grimmy, what if he's isn't gonna be okay ?" I ask watery. "Zee you can't think negative. He's gonna be fine." Nick replys soothingly. I just nod. Suddenly Niall decides to wake up and bangs his little fist into Nick's chest and squeal. I coo and take him gently out of Nick's arms. "Hey there Ni-bug." I coo at him and he giggles. "Why are you hitting your godfather huh ? I know his hair is weird but that's no reason to be violent." I playfully coo at Niall. "Oi ! don't bring my hair into this ! Lou over here decided to put Cheerios in it and I had to was my hair." Nick playfully glares at Louis and Louis giggles loudly. "Uncle Nicky ! the Cheerios told me they wanted to be in your hair !" Louis squeals as Nick picks him up and tosses him in the air and catches him repeatedly. I let out a laugh and temporarily forget that my family is kind of on the rocks.

"Parents of Liam Stylik ?" A voice calls out and I stand. "Are you Liam's father ?" The doctor asks and I nod. "Yes, my names Zayn and this is my brother Nick." I say. "Hello, I'm Doctor Lee." He introduces and keeps his gaze on nick for a little longer. I inwardly smirk. "Is Liam gonna be okay ?" I ask hesitantly. "Yes, Liam is in fact gonna be okay ! He is a strong boy I can give you that." Doctor Lee praises and I let out a sigh of relief. "What were his injuries?" Nick asks and doctor Lee changes his happy expression to a worried one. "Liam was malnourished, and extremely dehydrated. He suffered a great amount of physical abuse such as kicks to him torso, punches to his eyes, and I believe he was thrown around a couple of times." Doctor Lee explains and I let out a choked sob. "On the bright side Liam will be fine and he didn't suffer any type of sexual abuse at all." Doctor Lee add on and I sigh because that's some good news in a time like this and I'm glad Liam didn't have to go through that. "Can we see him ?" I ask timidly and doctor Lee nods. "Of course ! He may be asleep but you guys can on right on in." Doctor lee explains and I bid him farewell. "Hold on Zee, I wanna go, erm talk to doctor Lee about something ?" Nick says and I give him a knowing look. I carefully take Niall out of his arms. "Go get 'em tiger !" I tell him, as he blushes and nods. I grab ahold of Louis' hand while holding onto Niall and lead them to Liam's room.

"Li-Li !" Louis screams out and runs to him in the hospital bed. "Lou !" Liam squeals and tries to help Louis onto his bed. I shift Niall over carefully and help Louis into the bed. "Papa ! I miss you and daddy !" Liam says with tears in his eyes. "I know babe. Daddy and I missed you too." I say with silent tears rolling down my cheeks and I kiss his forehead. Niall decides to make a noise. "Ni ! I miss you too !" Liam says and I carefully place Niall into his arm while Louis cuddles up to his side. I sigh as I see my babies safe and together again!

Nick's POV (a/n: whaaaaa ?)


After Zayn gives me his, oh so encouraging, words, I rush off into the direction doctor Lee went. "Doctor Lee !" I call out and he turns around confused momentarily. "How can I hello you Nick ?" He asks with that beautiful South African accent of his. "Erm, I was wondering if you, eh wanted to, ya know-" "I would love to go out with you sometime, Nick." Doctor lee says and I smile. "Thank you doctor." I say. "Please, call me Casper." He says as he winks and writes down his number on my hand. "Call me." He says as he winks again and walks away. Looks like ya boys got a date !


Hey guys ! Sorry I've been M.I.A for a while ! We'll nicks got a date and zayn and the boys are safe..... For now at least >:D anywhore ! I will try to update as frequent as possible but yeah ! Tell me what yall think ! Remember to




FANGIRL ! (Please ? Cx)

Love you bitches !

-Kenna <3 ^-^

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