One. Swrenaylia

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Hi guys! This story popped into my head as I was hanging out with some friends. I believe things are not always what they seem and i hope you enjoy the story. Be free to get sucked in.
*blows kisses and winks*

Stretching my body and rubbing my eyes with clenched fists,i rose myself from my bed ready to begin the new day. Today was the day I began my special training with Serv;my secret guardian on how to get into Fryrana. Serv could get me there anytime but I have to learn how to get in and out in case something ever happened to him.

His words,not mine.

Just thinking of my training lifted my mood immensely and i hopped out of bed with a smile on my face and went to take a shower,excitement making me forget I was waking up at 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning. Getting out of the shower, I wrapped my towel tightly around me,letting my dripping hair lay loose and treaded over to my closet. Thinking of what to put on, I decided on all black. A black tank top,black ripped jeans,black combat boots and a black baggy hoody. I might be training,meeting a secret guardian but I was still the same conservative girl I've always been. Tying my hair into a tight high ponytail, I picked up my phone and left my room.

Passing through the hallway, I noticed my parents were still asleep and I heard my kid brother's light snores in the room across mine.

"Typical Jayden" i said while chuckling softly.

Deciding to leave my phone,afterall, with all the smirking Serv had been doing when he told me about my training last night, I suspected I would be too busy to even look at my phone. Plus,who would call me? I told my parents I was spending the day at Aiden;my best friend's house.

Little did they know Aiden had been for a soccer tournament for the past 3 days and would only be back the next day. Oh! The joys of having a secret life.

Closing the door softly behind me after getting a heavy breakfast, I made my way to the little meodow in the middle of the forest,a 15 minutes walk from my house Aiden and I had found when we were 12. I had agreed reluctantly to let Serv train me there seeing as it was I and Aiden's spot but it was secluded enough so I had no other choice. I would've just decided to take the car but I loved how the morning air,blew in my face making me feel alive so I decided to walk. Don't get me wrong, I hate exercise and anything that has to do with exercise but ever since my 18th birthday and the coming of Serv into my life, I've had to endure rigorous training and testing that I've learnt to appreciate exercise. I still hate it though.

Pulling the hoodie cap over my head, I made my way to the meadow with the excitement still bubbling through me. Getting there, I noticed Serv already there waiting for me with no emotions at all displaying on his face. This brought a grin to my face.

In all the 3 months that I've known Serv, he has never been late,he always seems to know when I'm going to be somewhere even if I come earlier. There's also that ever permanent stoic face. Nevertheless,he truly was a beautiful man. Even at 40,the guy looked good in his grey addidas sweatpants with matching hoodie and sneakers. The corners of his eyes crinkled a little as he was always concentrating,but that did nothing to reduce his beauty. His ever stoic face and slightly crinkly eyes accentuated his beauty. He wasn't in any way too muscular and buff as most people will expect him to be,neither was he too lean. Serv was just right and filled out in the right places with a slightly tanned skin that you couldn't see unless ure at least 10 feet close to him and had an angular jaw.Serv was just right.

Seeing him, I just smiled and shook my head remembering what he said about not always been there. You see, I found it really absurd cause I've been used to him being around and when we trained,damn that guy was good! He was swift and could handle almost every weapon on the planet. Even a spoon. I wouldn't want to cross him.
I looked around the little cleared area and moved closer to Serv,confused.

" Hi Serv"

I guess he must have seen the confusion on my face because he then said

" We would be needing no weapons for this particular training. "

Ah.....Serv,always one for pleasantries. As if reading my mind,

"There's no need to waste breath on useless things. Time is running out and we need you ready in exactly two weeks. And no,your sarcasm isn't appreciated Aylia."

I said nothing and just smirked. I always found it amusing that he absolutely refused to call me by the names my human parents gave me: Mayana Dale. He instead prefered to call me by the shortened version of my real name;my Fryranan name Swrenaylia.

Serv wasn't one to waste time so he started to explain to me what we were to do.

" Fryrana is basically part of this world but another part so to get there, you need the right amount of energy concentrated in one area along with a groueli...."

A groueli was a round-like ball made out of metal that stored enough energy in it to be able to join with other things to pass through to any of the two worlds. Serv had explained it to me a while back but i couldn't understand how such a small ball,the size of my hand could store enough energy to open up another world.

"......and the right codes to be able to unlock the door to Fryrana " he continued.

" Ok,to begin, watch what I'm doing and try to do exactly what I do. Doing this will take alot of energy but you can do it and there's no time to be weak."

Posing in a combat stance,he positioned his body,closed his eyes and put his hands forward and twirled a little. My eyes almost popped out when right before my eyes, a small ball of twirling,sparkling light appeared. Seeming satisfied,he straightened up and stared at it then me. All too soon,the ball disappeared. Serv then spoke

"that was just a ball of energy. Concentrate in your inner mind and you'll be able to do that. Let's work with that for now."

I was nervous,wondering how I could do something like that but i imitated the pose Serv took and concentrated. Opening my eyes, I noticed only a speck of light had formed.

"Again!" he said in that stern tone.

I kept trying and failing,sometimes coming so close to energy balls the size of a tennis ball. I wanted to celebrate but the look Serv gave me made me continue and keeping my insignificant glory to myself. Late in the evening as the sun just started to set,very tired, I had just one more try to do then retire for the day. As I was trying out a new energy ball, I started feeling very confident of this one.

Closing my eyes, I concentrated as much as I could and summoned up an energy ball. Opening my eyes,a smile grew on my face and I couldn't contain my excitement as an energy ball,the size Serv had created in the morning was before my very eyes. Before I could voice out any of my happiness, I heard a very very familiar and shaky voice behind me

"Ana.....??" was this for a first chapter? Hope you enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading

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