Buying Moggy

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Today was a big day. Mummy and daddy were letting me buy my first pet! Daddy didn't want me to have one though, and there was a big argument last night.

"BWAHAHAHAHA!" Daddy said. "Do you really think that this f***ing fat lump of lard will be able to care for a pet?" "Of course he will." Mummy said. "And anyway, we agreed that when he was 7, he would be allowed one." "Well, I suppose that nobody will really care if it dies." Daddy said. "What kind of pet do you want, Peteykins?" Mummy said. "A cat" I said. "Well, we'll get you a cat then" mummy said.

We were driving to the pet store now, and I was practically wetting myself with excitement. Oh no, I really did wet myself with excitement. Crap. Oh well, I'll just wash when I get home.

We arrived at the pet store. "What's that smell" daddy said. I started trembling with fear. "It's probably just the animal's urine." Mummy said. "It had better be" daddy said.

We looked at all the kittens. There were fluffy little white ones with big blue eyes, grey ones with patches of white and yellow eyed black ones, but none of them took my fancy. "Mummy, I don't want any of these" I said. "We will ask if they have any more," Mummy said.

"Well, there is one" the shopkeeper said. "But I don't think you'll like her". "Let's see her anyway" mummy said.

The shopkeeper led us into a small back room, and inside it was the cutest little kitten I have ever seen in my life. She was black and skeletal. You could see every single bone in her body's outline in the thin layer of flesh that covered her skeleton. She had massive red, staring eyes bulging out of her head. "We found her in a plastic bag on the side of the street last night" the shopkeeper said. "I want her" I said. "Well you can have her for free" the shopkeeper said. "She creeps me out and I hate her guts. Just remember to give her one of each of these pills every night for a night for the first month you have her." He handed us a 30 pack of 15 different types of pills. And we were off.

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