(3) Striking A Match

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"Good morning, Ma'am Maine.", Claire, her secretary, greeted Maine cheerfully and helped carry her things to her office.

"Any messages for me, Claire?", Maine asked.

"Just one, ma'am.  Your grandfather called to say that you should see him in his office first thing today."

"Okay, thanks. I'll go there now and then head straight to my 11:00 a.m. meeting." Maine picked up a couple of documents needing her grandfather's signature and walked briskly to his office.

I wonder what this could be about.

She got her answer the minute she walked inside the President's office.  Lounging on a chair in front of his grandfather was Richard Faulkerson, Jr., in the flesh. 

Jay was looking intently at Maine, his eyes roving from the tip of her toes, to her beautiful feet in those red satin pumps, up her slim calves and long, long legs, that tiny waist and her lovelies being showcased by a white button-down blouse.  Her face though was a mask of displeasure, her vexation at him clearly evident.

Jay laughed at her obvious ire but ignored Maine and instead looked calmly at his watch.

"It's 10:00 A.M., Miss CFO.  I thought regular office hours starts at 9:00 A.M.", he asked innocently.

"Not for us, it doesn't.  I've been in meetings since 7:00 A.M. today. Unlike some people who spends their first day at work hanging out in the President's office.", she sharply retorted.

"There, there children. Lower your swords.  It's too early to be drawing blood.", FDM interrupted the two before they take their bickering any further.

Don Federico looked at his young wards with a highly amused expression.  These two highly ambitious and brilliant individuals will be the future of FDM.  And if they are going to be successful at it, they need to know how to work together and at least tolerate each other.  So, he has decided to just sit back and idly watch how this "tension" will unfold.

"Let's get down to business, shall we?", FDM started on a serious tone. "Maine, since this is Jay's first day at work, I want you to be a gracious host and show him around, teach him the ropes so to speak.  It shouldn't take you half the day to do this.  Make sure to introduce him to our department heads and our operations team. Get him acquainted with our facilities.  Then, take him out to a nice lunch somewhere."

"Respectfully sir, but that's absurd.", Maine vehemently objected to the request. "I have tons of work to do today. I'm not baby-sitting your new COO. Can't you get one of the department heads to do it?"

His grandfather denied the suggestion and said, "The point is for him to learn from the best and to adapt quickly.  By doing this personally, you'd be able to give him valuable inputs about our business.  This is not a request, Nicomaine. It's an order."

Maine had more to say but she stopped herself and just nodded dutifully at her grandfather, even while she scowled at him and at the devil smirking tauntingly at her.

"Fine.  I'll cancel the rest of my meetings this morning for your precious COO. But I'm not having lunch with him.", Maine said. 

"You!", she called to her nemesis loudly. "Follow me and don't say a word, okay?  Just listen or I walk."  She turned her back to them and headed for the door.

Jay, smiling to himself, stood up and went after the irate vixen.  He got to the door in time to hold it open for her, saying as he did, "After you, Princess!"

Seething, Maine stepped out of the room and walked down the corridor without waiting for him.

"Maine, slow down, will you?", he said when he reached her.

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