Chapter 2

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Tick. Tock. Stiles glanced over to the bright red numbering that told him it was still only 12:43 in the morning. Mentally, he was exhausted, but every time he tried to go to sleep, his mind would begin to race. Realizing the futility of remaining in his bed all night, he wandered over to his computer, booting it up. He checked several of his favorite websites before opening the instant messenger application on his computer. Everyone he knew was listed as offline, except one person who instantly messaged him.

dhale88: Shouldn't you be in bed right now?

betchacantsaymyname: Shouldn't you? Or are you too busy howling at the moon?

dhale88: A howling at the moon joke aimed at a werewolf. That's original.

betchacantsaymyname: It's funny. I can see you brooding even through IM.

dhale88: I don't brood! I scowl. There's a difference.

betchacantsaymyname: Yeah ok. Whatever helps you not sleep at night.

Several minutes passed with no conversation between them as Stiles thumbed mindlessly through a textbook sitting on his desk. A noise from his computer startled him slightly and he looked back at the conversation window.

dhale88: Does this have anything to do with you drinking yourself into oblivion the night of the meteor shower?

betchacantsaymyname: Even if it did, why would I tell you?

dhale88: Because you have circles under your eyes so dark someone could mistake you for a very pale, scrawny raccoon.

betchacantsaymyname: So are you trying to diagnose me with insomnia or something?

dhale88: Not really

dhale88: but if the shoe fits…

betchacantsaymyname: well have you ever considered the fact that I have ADHD and don't always take my Adderall the way it's prescribed… and one of the side-effects of that drug is insomnia?

dhale88: actually… no.

betchacantsaymyname: Okay then, Derek. Stop trying to parent me. I know you're trying to help or you think you're trying to help or whatever. But I don't need it.

dhale88: I'd tell you to take a chill pill, but that'd be mildly inappropriate.

betchacantsaymyname: You're right. It would.

dhale88: Try taking melatonin. Or warm milk. My mom would always do that for me.

betchacantsaymyname: Thanks. I'll try that.

dhale88: I'm going to sign off and get some sleep. Brooding and scowling can be exhausting.

betchacantsaymyname: lol and thanks again, Derek. Sorry I was being kind of an ass.

dhale88: apology accepted. Good night.

betchacantsaymyname: good night!

Stiles closed the conversation window and turned the computer off again before heading into his bathroom to see if he might have some melatonin that he could use. He didn't. His father, however, did. Stiles tapped two tablets into his palm and put the bottle back before heading downstairs and pouring some milk into a pan and slowly heating it on the stove. He washed the small pills down with the milk and returned to his bed where he was able to accomplish a few hours of sleep before his alarm clock woke him up the next morning for school.

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