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Well I dont know where I am but for some reason I feel compelled to tell my life story

Not the whole thing

We dont have time could I tell about how I died

It should be shorter

That would be just fine

My name is Narcissus, that is the name that my mother gave me and that is the one worthy thing she has ever done. No one has done anything worthy, not like me. I have done so much. So much that other great accomplishments look trivial in comparison. And trivial they are, I am beginning to die of boredom and ugliness in this minuscule town. Drull (thats what its called) is very plain and useless and awful. No one seems to know how to be beautiful in this whole world, only me it seems. It gets very lonely sometimes.

Mother was yelling again so I headed into the house just to make the awful noise cease. Narry you better start washing these pots this instant! Good deities of Olympus you are an absentminded boy!

At least I have a mind, I shot back rather brilliantly.

Ive never heard that one.

I just said it this morning mindless one.

Mother rolled her eyes and walked back into the inns pub to take orders.

I started washing a large pot but stopped when I saw my reflection in the shiny surface. I stared and smiled into the only worthy and beautiful thing I had ever seen.

I am going to leave, I said to my reflection. He didnt offer response so I took it that my likeness was in agreement.

I travelled down the road but after a while I ran into all these bothersome people who were all smelly and dreadfully ugly. I went off the road and continued travelling through the woods. As being me, getting lost is impossible, I was simply blissfully unaware of where I was in relation to anything in existence.

Soon I came across some blueberries in a glen that cured my hunger after I gorged myself for several hours. The sweet fruit stained my shirt and mouth. It was getting late so found some nice soft grass to sleep on next to a birch tree. Falling asleep took me longer than usual because I didnt have my downy pillow.

I awoke to the stares of half a dozen pairs of eyes all staring at my beautiful, beautiful face, especially my sparkling blue-grey eyes. And my perfectly shaped nose. Along, of course, with my chiseled jaw.

The eyes belonged to a bunch of very leafy girls. I remembered something about leafy girls in the forest that my mother had mentioned but couldnt recall what she had said. They werent so bad as most people were in the looks department, one especially caught my eye. Although that could have been she was the one talking and giggling the most.

Eventually I grew tired of them and ran thru the forest to get away from the cackling nymphs, that is what they are called. However, they were just too fast for me and caught up right at a ridge. My powerful bodys momentum carried me over the edge and then there was extreme cold followed by less extreme cold. My hyper-speed mind told me I was in water and had to swim to the top. It took one mighty flap of my arms for me to crack the surface of the lake. After I shook the water from my eyes I could see that the nymphs still stared at me from the ledge.

Five of them ran off giggling and racing for wherever nymphs go after staring at the most attractive being in the universe. One of them stayed there though, which annoyed me less than usual. She was the talkative not-as-ugly one. I continued to tread water and flex my massive muscles. Even she left after a while and I had a small pang of regret when she did. This feeling however, was not as much as my joy to finally be alone so I could take my early morning nap.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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