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•The boy with red hair•

I take a deep breath as we roll up to our new house in Riverdale, I'm sitting in the middle of my mother and Veronica. As we pull up Veronica rolls the window down and I lean over to glance up at the house.

I take a deep breath as Veronica opens the car door signalling that's it's time to get out, hand in hand we look up at the apartment then at each other before my mother speaks.

"Now brace yourself, the apartment is small, a pied-à-terre .." she starts.

"but quality always. quality always." Veronica and I add as it's something my mother says frequently.

"plus it's the only piece of property in my name, and not your fathers" she says before making her way to the door with Veronica trailing right behind.
I glance up at the house before letting the breath i didn't know i was holding & follow right behind them.

Mother opens the door and we all walk in, I look around the apartment and i can't help but feel like i'm in a foreign world.

"Miss Hermione!" a man says breaking me from my chain of thought as he enters the front room "welcome home."

"Smithers! you are a sight for sore eyes." she responds before walking up to him and embracing him

Veronica and i glance at each other while mother and Smithers talking about our safe travels to Riverdale.

"Smithers, i'd like to introduce you to my daughters, Veronica and Violet." mother says drawing my attention to Smithers' hand that is now reached out to shake mine.

"it's a pleasure to meet you both" he smiles as he shakes Veronica's hand then mine.

"hi" Veronica and I say together with a smile.

"i'll get the bags" he mentions before walking towards them "would you like some menus, ma'am, so you can order in?"

"oh no. I have been craving one of Pop Tate's cheeseburgers since noon. Is his chock'lit shop still open?" Mother asks

"what is a chock'lit shoppe and why does it sell burgers?" Veronica asks looks over at my mom causing me to giggle at her clueless remark.

Veronica obviously thinks my Mother meant a chocolate shop for desserts but it's clearly an old fashion dinner which i've read about in many books.

After unpacking my bag into my new room and making it feel more like my old one, i head down to the front closet to grab my jacket and shoes. Veronica, mother and I head over to Pop Tate's dinner to run in and grab what my mother has ordered, which i'd volunteered to do while my mother and Veronica wait in the car.

The dinner is the cutest looking place i've never seen, i can tell that Veronica is appalled by it not being as fancy as the places in New York but i think it's super cute.

I step out of the car and make my way into the dinner, as soon as I get in I glance to my left and notice something else that i think is super cute.

a red headed boy with dreaming brown eyes staring at me. I mean I hope he's staring at me.

I make my way toward the man who fits the description of who my mother said Pop Tate was, which is ironically in the direction of the super cute red headed boy.

"I called in an order for Lodge" i say to Pop Tate as I pretend to not notice the red heads sparkling eyes watching my every move.

"three burgers? yeah, it's almost ready but you gotta wait." he says before going back into the kitchen leaving me awkwardly standing in front of the staring boys table.

"hi" i say trying to break the awkward tension that has formed.

"hey" he responds immediately.

"how are the onion rings here?" i ask getting closer to the table because i've been craving some.

"so good" he answers looking up at me.

"can we get some onion rings too, please?" i politely ask turning to Pop Tate .

"yeah" Pop Tate says with a smile.

"thanks" i say returning my gaze to the redhead boy "my mom, my sister and i just moved here so.."

"from where?" he asks.

"New York" i respond.

"wow" he says looking at the blonde girl sitting in front of him that hasn't said anything yet.

next thing i know i hear the bell above the door ring and my sister call my name.

"Violet! What is taking so long?" she asks walking towards me.

"they aren't ready yet" i say looking over my should at her.

"oh you've met some people.. do you guys go to Riverdale High?" She ask looking at both of them.

"ya we do. together." the blonde girl says looking over at us.

"we're sophomores" says the red headed boy as his gaze switched from me to my sister.

"us too" i smile.

"i'm filled with dread" Veronica complains which is typical of her nowadays.

"why is that?" the red headed boy asks smiling at her.

"Are you familiar with the works of Truman Capote?" i ask him to which he returns a nod "my sister here is more of a Breakfast at Tiffany's"

"but this place is strictly In Cold Blood" Veronica adds as we all begin to laugh except for the blonde girl.

"Veronica Lodge" my sister introduces herself as she puts out her hand

"Archie Andrews" he says as he shakes her hand

"I'm Violet" I add as he looks up into my eyes making my cheeks feel hot

"that's a really pretty name." he smiles and looks at the blonde girl before blurting out "uh this is Betty Cooper."

"wait. are you—?" i ask.

"supposed to give you your tour tomorrow? Yes." she smiles "i'm your peer mentor"

"do you two wanna join us?" Archie asks looking at Veronica with pleading eyes "maybe we can unfill you with dread"

"actually our moms waiting for us" Veronica says in return to the offer.

"but to be continued" i say with a wink before my sister and i walk away.

as we leave the store after grabbing our food, she nudges me with her elbow.

"what was all the flirting about?" she asks me with a 'im onto you look'

"what flirting?" i giggle as i awkward scratch my arm.

"whatever Violet, just make sure Damien doesn't find out" she laughs before opening the car door for me.

I wanted to try a new type of fanfic with different people!!
i hope you enjoyed and i hope you're excited for more to come!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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