Dance practice

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Tessa's pov
I can't believe chance is actually coming to dance with me I can't wait for him to meet all my friends. Everyone says he can't dance but I've never seen him dance so I'm excited to see if he can actually dance.

Chance's pov
I can't believe I actually agreed to dance with Tessa I know I can't dance but I wanted to spend more time with her. I'm gonna look so stupid when she finds out I can't dance.

*tessa and chance get to the dance studio

Omg there's hardly anyone here, I thought there would be more people here since it's like one of the most popular dance studios.

C: hey babe why is there like nobody here
T: oh I forgot to tell you they eliminate people every month who can't keep up with the rest
C: wow that's harsh
T: it's okay we get new dancers every week
C: how long have you been going here?
T: since I was 14 so like 4 years now
C: and you still haven't gotten kicked out?
T: why would you say that?
C: because you're such a terrible dancer ever
T: shut up chance

*dance instructor comes in

D is for dance instructor btw

D: who do we have here?
T: oh this is my boyfriend, chance
C: hey what's up I'm chance
D: so this is the boy you're always talking about
C: oooh you talk about me?
T: yeah sometimes
*tessa kisses chance

D: ok enough of that, is he dancing?
T: he sure is
D: well try to keep up
C: you guys are the ones who needs to keep up
T: he's just kidding
C: no I'm not
T: shut up chance
D: ok we'll start slow

Tessa's pov
As the dance instructor started to teach us the steps chance kept up with the rest of the class and I was surprised. when it was time to put all the steps together he totally killed it, I don't know why people say chance can't dance.

Chance's pov
I think I did a pretty good job. Tessa said I did but maybe she was just being nice because she didn't want to hurt my feelings or something. But then the dance instructor came up to me after we finished dancing and asked if I wanted to try out to be in the group. I told her I had to think about it because I don't want to join if Tessa doesn't want me there so I think I'm gonna ask her when we get to the house

*chance and Tessa get to the team ten house

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