Chapter 11:Help us!

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Hey guys! Before you read this story I just wanted to say thank for your support in this book,especially my followers!And i'm very sorry that my grammars are wrong because I'm not "english" sorry for that!

(Y/N)= your name
(L/N)=last name
(BFF/N)=your best friend'd name
(F/M)=your favorite movie


<Your P.O.V>
"I'm so proud of you!"my mom said and give me a tight hug,"Mom--can't breath"she quickly let go of me then smile akwardly,"Sorry about that hun,I'm just so proud of you!"my mom said and I smiled.

"Aw shocks mom,it's just a game battle between the I Do Not Sleep"I said and rub the back of my head,"Nope you won with your squad and I'm proud of you,so let's eat pizza!"I smiled and hugged mom "Now call your team to go here cause we're gonna eat pizza!"I nod my head and let go of the hug.

Mom pick up her phone from the top of the fridge and call for pizza while I texted my friends to come over to my house.After a few minutes my friends are all here,they all sat on the couch and I help my mom get the food,there is two pizzas by the way.

"Here you go guys!"I said and put it on the table,after that my mom give us cokes,"Thanks mom"I said,"Yah!Thank you so much mrs.(L/N)",mom just smiled at us and go upstairs to sleep."So what movie do you want to watch?"I ask them,"Death Note!"Jake yelled,"No! Assassination classroom!"said Jack,"Deadpool!"said (BFF/N)."Guardians of the galaxy please!"said Aki.(ye! I'm here!)

"How about...(F/V)?"I said,after a while they all agreed and we all watch the movie.

~In your dream~
"(Y/N)!please wake up!"

"(Y/N) please! We need your help!"



~End of the dream~

"(Y/N)!! Wake up!"Aki said then I immidiently opened my eyes.


"O my gosh are you okay?we've calling your name for a while now and you still haven't wake up"said (BFF/N)

"Sorry..I have a dream.."I said and scratch the back of my head

"You made the twins worried"Aki said and point at the two brothers crying

I sighed and go to them "Hey guys...i'm sorry"I said then the twins hugged me tight then the two joined and we all have a group hug


<Mobile Legends>




To be continued

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