chapter 1 the new teacher?

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(A/N updated....this is my new story so if their is any confusion I understand that,I will try to make better stories in the future to where it actually makes sense their will be some misspellings and some chapters that don't make sense sorry guys)

Eliza's p.o.v (picture of Eliza) (edited)

I walked into class and saw my ex Zack and his group of friends in the back and he smirked at me and I walked in and sat down at an empty desk in the front of the class and I got my work out and finished up the last 2 questions in my math homework

*ok class,I am your new teacher Jackson Dalton but you can call me Mr.Dalton I will be your new English teacher this year Mr.hamilton transferred to another school so I will be your teacher for the rest of the school year and would you please get into pairs of 2 so we can work on these definitions on page....* he paused and opened the book and flipped through the pages and stopped on a page and said *on page 200 and I want you guys to come up with 1 sentence for each on what the words mean*

I raised my hand and said *what if we don't want to work in partners* I said as I put my math work away and Zack stared at me and smirked

*Mr.Dalton can me and Eliza work together* Zack said I stared at him wide-eyed and I had an angry look on my face

Mr.Dalton looked at me and said *yes you can*he said to Zack

*I don't want to work with him can I work alone* I asked

*I don't mind if you work alone as long as you get the work done* he said to the class and he turned to Zack 

*Mr....* he asked as he stared at Zack

*Zack Martin Collins* he said

He nodded and said *Mr.Collins,she wants to work alone and if she wants to she can* I heard Zack cuss under his breath and I just shrugged and did my work I felt someone tap on my shoulder, I looked up and it was Mr.Dalton and he smiled at me and said *can you help me grade papers after school* I nodded

I walked to Math when I sat down,Lacey and Hannah were staring at me and they smirked

*look it's the mute *Lacey said

*she looks like she just crawled out of a trashcan with her hair looking like that* Hannah said

i wanted to cry i heard a few kids laughing

*stop laughing right now and Hannah and Lacey go to the principles office now* Mrs.Gabriel said in an angry tone,she didn't take kids bullshit especially bullies

they walked out and gave me a death glare

i looked at Mrs.Gabriel and she smiled at me and she grabbed some papers off her desk and handed them out to everyone and when she got to me she smiled

*don't worry about them Eliza they are just upset because your smarter then them* she whispered while laughing

i laughed and said *thank you Mrs.Gabriel* she set my paper down and i got to work and i turned it in and i read my book on wattpad *16 and pregnant by the thug* and the bell rang

.....skip to The end of school.....

I walked into Mr.Dalton's class and he was typing away at his computer,I tapped on the door and he jumped I giggled he turned around and smiled at me

*Eliza I didn't hear you come In I'm sorry *he said

I laughed and said *it's okay Mr.Dalton*

I walked over to his desk and sat down on top of his desk

*what are you doing Ms.Easton and call me Jackson Outside of school* Mr.Dalton uh i mean Jackson said to me

I smiled at him

*waiting for you to give me some papers to grade and call me Eliza outside of school* I said mocking him

he laughed and said *here you go* he said as he handed me a stack of papers and the first one I saw was Lacey's I smirked

*Jackson would it be wrong if I failed Lacey and Hannah on purpose* I said laughing

*no Eliza don't give them a bad grade even though they bully you....don't stoop to there level* he said in a serious tone

I nodded and said *sorry but they deserve it* and I wrote a big F on her paper same for Hannah

he just laughed and graded some papers and I got down off his desk and walked over to the desk in front of him and graded the rest of the papers and turned them in and my fingers brushed against his and we stared at each other and all I could feel was electricity go through me and my phone rang startling me and it was Alexander's school and I groaned as I answered the phone

*is this Eliza* the office lady said in a sweet tone

*yes ma'am what's wrong* I said panicked

*Alex was fighting in class today because a boy was talking about his parents so we have to send both boys home because Alex punched the boy in face so he will be suspended for a week for breaking the kids nose and making his nose bleed and we will send his work home for him to do,he can send it back when he gets back here but I need you to come and get him okay* she said

*yes I will come and get him bye have a nice day* I said annoyed

*okay Bye Ms.Easton* she said

*sorry, Jackson, I have to go get my brother he got in trouble for fighting in school* I said annoyed

he smiled and said *ok I will take you come on* he said and he put the graded papers in his briefcase

*Okay Jackson thank you* I said smiling at him

*I'll finish the papers later* he said as we walked out of the classroom and he locked the door and we walked out of the school and walked to his car and we got to his car I got in and he drove to Lincoln Elementary school we got there and we got out

*can you wait in the car I will just be a minute* I said

he nodded and said *yeah sure*

I walked into the school and I walked into the office

*hi I am here to pick up Alexander Easton* I said

the lady nodded and walked to the back of the office and Alex walked out with an officer behind him I stared at him wide-eyed and the officer saw me and nodded

*hi again Eliza your brother got into some trouble with a student because the kid started talking about your parents and he got offended and he punched the kid in the nose and he is going home and he won't be coming back to school in a week I'm sorry Eliza, I know about your situation and he can just go to your school and follow you around if you want and the boys parents are not pressing charges* he said in a calm tone

*okay thanks officer Kenneth so much I am going to deal with him when I get home come on Alexander I have a class to get to now hurry up your in so much trouble* I said grabbing his hand and pulling him out of there and walked out of the school and I walked to Jackson's car and threw his bag in the car

*get in the car now* I said angrily 

I walked around the car and got in and slammed the door

*can you please take me home I don't want to go to school today* I said to Jackson

he nodded and said yes I can he drove home,I didn't talk and he didn't pressure me to which I was thankful for that because I didn't feel like talking

We finally got home we lived in a small house it had 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms a kitchen a small living room

*thank you for the ride Mr.Dalton* I said

*your welcome* he said and I got out of the car and Alex got out and waited for me and I turned around❣️ and I walked up to the yard and Jackson left

my anger built up & Alex looked like he wanted to hurt them....

Word count-1602

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