That last kiss, that last hug, that last I love you, wouldn't believe them words would be the last you hear em. Aaliyah Nazari learns this when Damon Khalid the love of her life was taken away from her in a blink of an eye, forcing her to learn how...
We've rode to the cemetery in pure silence, just ready to get this day over with. Everyone was in their own thoughts, and mindset, there was really nothing much to say but be there for one another in this tough time.
Once we made it to the cemetery, I just decided to sit myself in the car staring out the window in blank space. I wasn't ready to say goodbye.
Less than 20 minutes, I heard commotion. I was trying to find the person being disrespectful at a situation a funeral like this like that, it bothered me.
I hopped out the corner to see what the hell was going on, and I saw Jay up in DeVante's face and he looked like he wanted to murder him or something.
"You really had the balls and be on some disrespectful shit, to come to my man's funeral like everything all good up in this bitch. Knowing yo bitch ass something to do with it." Jay snapped.
Devante acted and sounded nonchalant, like what Jay said didn't phase him not one bit. "I don't know what you talking about man. We was once cool, oh yeah I forgot but didn't y'all leave me almost to die my damn self? Ain't karma a bitch?" He said smartly and all too calm.
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I let my silence go for too long as I rounded out shoving DeVante unexpectedly, if he had something to do with my fiance's demise he was gone severely pay.
"Wait a minute DeVante you're the one that took Damon from me? And you had somebody following us that day? How the fuck can you do that?" I screamed yelling trying to get at him, as Bleek and Jay held me back from whooping his ass.
DeVante just smiled, and wasn't threatened, and rubbed his face down. "My lovely Aaliyah, I have no idea what you're talking about." he put his hands in prayer like "All I wanted to come and do, is pay my respect....that's all." he said calmly.
I guess that pissed TyTy off as he pulled his gun out on him. "Listen b, if you don't move the fuck around right this very moment. Just know muthafucka, we're coming for you, you being real bold right now nigga showing your presence here and shit. But best believe nigga, we coming for you, and don't worry nigga we will find you."
He said coldly, and bold clenching his teeth "Man I can kill your bitch ass now.." He screamed. Cam held him back. DeVante just chuckled and smiled as he pushed pass us, bumping Cam as Juju grabbed a hold of him to not do nothing.
"Talk like you mean it man, I'll be waiting for you!, I don't hide nigga" he said and walked away furrowing his toothpick in his mouth. After he was gone in plain site, we paid our respect and said our final goodbyes to Damon.
Once everybody was mostly gone, I've decided to stand by his burial site and gather last minute thoughts. Natane, Kidada, Beyonce and JuJu came near me, as Natane rubbed my back, and Kidada took a hold of my hand.
"What am I going to do you guys?" I asked not looking at them but still at his grave. Kidada sighed "We gotta live LiLi." Natane nodded "Yeah girl, we've all cried a lot more than we can these last several weeks. We gotta keep going" she added.
"I know, but what am I suppose to tell my baby when he come into this world?" I asked confused, at the thought raising a child not understanding his or her father is no longer here.
Kidada screamed "WHAAAAATTT, you're pregnant?" A tear dropped from my eye, and I smiled a bit "Yeah, I'm 10 weeks now." Kidada, and all the girls started jumping up and down excited for the news. "Oh my god I'm gone be a Auntie" Kidada squealed "And we're going to be God mommy's"
JujU shouted. Beyonce's jealous ass didn't wanna be left out "Um, correction Kidada, WE'RE all gone be aunties" she said pointing at all 4 of them.
"Shut up bitch, you know what i mean" Kidada laughed joking as she hugged me and they all gathered and hug me too. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Y'all crazy as hell, but I missed you all."
"We've missed you too, best believe Aaliyah girl, we got your back. But no matter how hurt you are don't shut us out. We ain't going no where, we gave you your space to grieve, but now that we've found out your pregnant oh we really ain't going no where now."
Juju commented, they really knew how to make me smile again.I know this journey was not gone be easy for me to comprehend so soon, but I know with my girls by my side and having my back, I knew it would be a little more easier to adjust.