Been Waisting My Time

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It had been a few days since Mal had stormed into their room furiously, what had seemed for a while to be a daily occurrence abruptly coming to a halt since the last time. Nothing changed, however. Evie went back to focusing on her studies and new sewing projects while Mal spent most of her time out with Ben, who remained her boyfriend. Nothing had seemed to change between them, either. Both girls had fallen easily back into their friendship, all but pretending that night hadn't happened, though Evie could often see the reminisce in her friend's eyes when they held gazes longer than they should.

The thing was that Evie felt guilty. She felt incredibly guilty, and whenever she allowed herself to think about the chaotic events of the last night Mal had stormed into their room angrily her stomach twisted as she always ended up thinking of Ben. No matter what she did she couldn't help but let it get to her, the knowledge that she had played part in her best friend cheating on her boyfriend haunting her.

And it certainly didn't help when Jay brought it up, having heard the entire thing through the thin walls of the dorm building. She was sure other people had heard them as well, but no one else said anything, and Ben remained utterly oblivious. And she and Mal acted as though it had never happened.

Correction; they had been acting as though it had never happened. They had been pretending as though nothing had ever happened between them until one specific night.

Evie pressed her pencil against her lips as she scanned over the challenging assignment spread in front of her, mind working quickly to process the problem and find the solution. The excessive amount of homework she had been given that weekend didn't bother her, it never did, and she had been entirely prepared to spend the rest of her weekend working through every assignment; that is, until the door burst open behind her and Mal entered the room, swinging the door shut loudly and causing Evie to jump in fright. She glanced over her shoulder at the girl, noting the way her spine was completely straight and how her shoulders were squared.

This time, however, she didn't stop what she was doing and give her friend her undivided attention, instead she turned back to her textbooks and pressed the lead of her pencil into the paper. "Problems in paradise?"

"You could say that," Mal responded.

It wasn't only the girl speaking that clued Evie in that Mal was standing directly behind her, the girl's body heat seeming to radiate from her and onto Evie. Still, Evie continued working.

"Can you help me?" Mal questioned, her voice softer than usual.

"With what?" Evie swallowed the thick lump that had formed in her throat, trying her best not to think of the last time she had 'helped' the girl.

"I'm going on a date with Ben in a bit," Mal answered, a lack of joy in her voice. "I need help figuring out what to wear."

Evie laughed. "When don't you need help with that?"

"I know how to dress nice," Mal retorted, clearly offended. "Just not for dates."

"Okay," Evie sighed, setting her pencil down before standing up and turning to face the girl. "I'll help you choose your outfit, but then I need to get back to work. I have a lot of homework this weekend."

Mal snorted. "Don't do it."

"You know, Mal, it shocks me just how much of a good girl you are," Evie shook her head, moving passed the girl and heading to her wardrobe, prepared to be overwhelmed by a mix of purple and pink. "Does Ben know about your lacking ability to complete homework?"

"No," Mal answered, moving to sit on the edge of her bed, legs crossed underneath her. "There's a lot of things Ben doesn't know."

Her mind immediately wandered to the feeling of Mal's fingers caressing every inch of her body and the feeling of the girl's lips pressing against her own; one of the things Ben had no clue about. Forcing herself back into reality she reached forward and snatched one of the dresses from its hanger, turning around and holding the outfit out to her friend. "Wear this one. And pair it with that overcoat and those heels."

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