( I don't have a Title -_- )

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Hurricane Irma went west , which is fantastic for me! I'm going to make this chapter long for you guys since you've been hoping for it to go away.
1235 Words.
Your POV

You woke up by the cold wind. You opened your eyes. The cold hit you. You groaned and got out of the shade into the warmth. You'd remember last night and frowned. Why did jayfeather had to be like this? I thought. Some of the Apprentices were out. Even some warriors. Lionblaze saw your mood and padded over to where you were. Good morning (Y/W/N) , everything alright?... He'd ask a bit worried. It's just something that happend last night in the medicine den , no worries. You'd say. I didn't want to get LionBlaze worried.. You'd thought. Alright then... Purred lionblaze.
Lionblaze POV
I knew something was up with her... I thought , walking away. I'd go into the medicine den , to see my brother , JayFeather. JayFeather? If walk in. He turned. What Is it? He'd mumble. Somethings up with (Y/W/N) last night in the medicine den , do you know why?... I'd ask. JayFeather scoffed. She was being a mouse - brain last night! Not telling me what's wrong of what she was dreaming! He'd hiss. My eyes widened. "She was being a Mouse - brain!" Echoed through my mind. JayFeather turned around , to see me gone. He'd narrow his eyes , and continued seperating the herbs. I turned to (Y/W/N). She was curled up in the shade , watching the warriors which were in the center. I padded over to her without her knowing , I say by her and licked her scruff. She jumped in suprise. She purred. JayFeather told me what's wrong. I said , stopping licking his scruff. He's trying to ignore me , I see it. She'd say , lowering her head. It's okay , he's always grumpy. I'd mew , wrapping my tail around her. She'd purr , licking me behind my ear.
JayFeather POV

I peeked out the den , to see (Y/W/N) and LionBlaze , sharing tongues. Heat filled my stomache. Jealousy. I was jealous. I turned to see CinderHeart staring at them , her tail twitching rapidly. I went back into the den. Leafpool!I thought. I haven't seen her since last night. Leafpool? If say. Leafpool burst into the den. Startling me. Did anyone say my name? Mewed leafpool , panting. I'm just wondering where you were. I'd twitch , my heart beating rapidly from her surpise. I haven't seen you since last night , that's why. I'd mummer , narrowing my eyes.  I was just with BloodMoon because she has GreenCough , that's all. Mewed leafpool. She stepped out , and dissepeared. I turned to where lionblaze and (Y/W/N) were they say. They were gone. Lionblaze was Talking to SqurrielFlight.
(Y/W/N) was nowhere to be seen. I went out the den. And exited the camp. I saw (Y/W/N) but... mixed with another scent. ShadowClan. Their was (Y/W/N) with... DaggerFang. (OC From ShadowClan)
Tell me now you mouse - brain! Hissed DaggerFang. Thunderclan would be weak if you gave us what starclan ment! He'd hiss. I won't! You've asked me to be your mate before , Now you ask me the secret of the clans?! She'd hiss. Oh come on , join Shadowclan , be my mate... He'd hiss , circling her. My eyes widened , was she going to join ShadowClan?
Your POV

"Be my mate , Join ShadowClan!" His words echoed through my mind. I loved JayFeather... but he is a medicine cat , he can't have a mate or kits! DaggerFang was a handsome warrior , his Grey and black fur. Let me think about it. I'd mew looking down. He smirked. Good , you have a moon to decide. He dissepeared into the bushes. I'd pad toward the camp. I saw a bristle of blueish fur run toward the direction I was heading to. I paused. Was someone watching us?
A moon later...
. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .  .

It was the gathering. RiverClan hadn't arrived yet. ShadowClan,  WindClan and ThunderClan were the only clans here. Mews filled the air as half of the cats in the crowds talked. You sat alone , staring down. You didn't know that JayFeather was watching you secretly. Something purred beside you. DaggerFang! Have you decided yet my love? He'd smirk , sitting beside you as your pelts brushed against each other. I don't know.. You'd sigh. You have to (Y/W/N)!Give up on thunderclan! Join Shadowclan where we can raise our kits their! Hissed DaggerFang. He was about to speak until a yowl filled the air. Let the Gathering Begin! You turned , noticing that RiverClan arrived.
Timeskip after the gathering.
You woke up by yowl and yelps. It was midnight. (You're sleeping in the medicine den btw)
You turned , to see CinderHeart , Lionblaze , leafpool and jayfeather. CinderHeart layed on the ground as a kit layed by her stomache. Push! Yowled Leafpool. Lionblaze handed CinderHeart a stick so she could bite from the pain. She was giving birth! But who was the father? As another kit popped out , CinderHeart panted. She was done. A nudge shook you. It was lionblaze. Get up , I gotta tell you something. Mewed Lionblaze.
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JayFeather POV

Lionblaze was going to tell her the truth that he was the father. It would be sad enough for her. I ignored her , being forced into ShadowClan. And now her having to be told from her crush that he's the father. I wanted to stop lionblaze , but it was to late. They were out the den. I turned back to see CinderHeart licking her kits , while leafpool stood beside her. CinderHeart smirked. CinderHeart WAS jealous of Lionblaze and (Y/W/N)... I realized what (Y/W/N) was going through now... she's gonna be sad and angry. She had liked me... i ignored her then she liked my brother.. who was with CinderHeart now.. my eyes widened. Her only choice to.... Join ShadowClan.
Your POV

You purred at lionblaze. What Is it that you wanted to tell me? You ask , licking his scruff. He pushed me off , making me stop licking. I'm sorry.. I'm mates with CinderHeart... I'm the father. He'd finally say. My eyes widened. You traitor... You'd stood as tears rolled down your face. You ran into the trees.
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Lionblaze POV
She ran! I turned to stop her but a voice called me. Lionblaze! CinderHeart needs you to name the kits! Yowled Leafpool. I ran toward the medicine den. I entered. JayFeather looked at me , eyes widened as I came without (Y/W/N). Where is (Y/W/N)? Mewed JayFeather. Eyes wee on me. The room was filled with silence , but only mewling from the kits were heard. She ran. I said sighing. CinderHeart smirked,  as jayfeather looked heartbroken. He finally spoke... Call BrambleStar,  and tell him to hold a clan meeting. JayFeather mewed worried in this voice. But it's midnight! Said  leafpool. JayFeather gave leafpool a deep stare. She finally nodded , gulping as the headed for BrambleStars den.
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Your POV

You ran through the forest as tears streamed down your face. You thumped into some cat. It was DaggerFang! D-DaggerFang... You'd whimper , resting your head on his chest as tears streamed down your face. He'd smirk , licking your forehead. Come with me. To Shadowclan. He'd hiss. You'd nod , lifting your head and following him as your pelts brushed against each other. You dissepeared into the night...

To be continued!

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