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     The school bell that echoed throughout the campus along with the students' ruckus as they simultaneously dashed out the class snapped Alex back from his dreams. Michelle's face loomed on his, filled with concern.
      Recently the only thought that grasped him was how he'd never get over the breakup. Devina really was...perfect.
      "Oh c'mon Lex," Lil Mishy, as he'd nicknamed her, interrupted, "she's not a goddess."
       "I know, but like--" he looked at her desperately with eyes that screamed for help. All she could do was stare back, out of words that Alex couldn't be bored of hearing. Seeing as she wouldn't be of help, Alex sulked his way to the canteen. "Pig!" Everyone teased as they passed him stuffing his face. When he'd been younger he would reach home reach home with tears but nowadays he'd gotten accustomed to all the jokes they'd fire. Those guys weren't the problem. He worried that he would never escape his winter of depression. "I'll get over her sooner or later," he'd repeat with a tinge of disbelief. He'd tried every possible method he could. The scars on his hand reminded him of how he'd never escape the memories of Devina's hand on his, her jet-black hair that flowed majestically in the breeze, and the smile that he once fell in love with. Lost in his thoughts, he wolfed down his food without even noticing the two girls creeping up behind him.
       "Piggyboy let out a squeal as he desperately watched his precious food fall flat on the floor.
       "Dude! What the hell is wrong with you, freaking psychopath! That was my food you blithering idiot!"
       She retaliated with a barrage of excuses and insults. Her words faded away as he observed her crimson lips move to form dialogue. Mish thankfully interrupted her lecture. "Alex, meet Carol. Carol, meet Alex." She spoke with a knowing smirk. "Hi..." greeted Alex, cautious to avert quickly from the gaze of her sapphire eyes as he swiftly extended his sweaty palms to shale hers, obviously failing to mask his jitteriness.
       Carol froze unresponsively. When her spirit finally returned, she scurried off with a face red as chilli. Alex stared as her blonde hair trailed behind her like waves of an ocean. 'Strange girl,' he wondered.

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