Chapter Fifty Nine: Rematch? Showdown at the Top!

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"Well, I must admit, that is a pretty amusing way to win a match." Rika was still laughing ten minutes after the match was concluded.

Singles two was a close one, with both Kevin and Kenneth drawing their match to a long tiebreak until Kenneth clinched that win, ending their tiebreak at a 58-56. Doubles one was Haruki and Kirihara as a doubles pair, against Kachiro and Katsuo of Seigaku.

The Seigaku pair did quite well against them, until one of them mistakenly thought that Kirihara had entered Devil Kirihara mode, and promptly forfeited, much to Rikkaidai's disbelief.

Kirihara merely grunted as he returned to his place as bench coach, not feeling all that happy how his final match in middle school had turned out to be.

"Two wins and two losses." Shuu muttered, looking up at the electronic scoreboard that detailed all the matches' outcomes for both Seigaku and Rikkaidai. "The next match will determine the champion."

As one, every single pair of eyes in the Rikkaidai's bleachers turned towards Rika who is examining her racquet strings, promptly ignoring everyone around her.


"Always go, Rikkaidai!"

"Let's go! Let's go! Rikkaidai!"

"Their cheerleading squad is as impressive as always," said Ryoga, looking over at Rikkaidai's side with interest. Rikkaidai's cheerleading squad are all out in full force, screaming at the top of their lungs.

"Just which side are you on, Ryoga-san?" Tomoka snapped.

"Sorry, guys!" Kachiro apologised fervently, bowing repeatedly to his teammates. "I didn't mean to forfeit! It's just..."

Shiki sighed. "Like I'm saying, it's alright!" he snapped. "It's over now anyway.

"Two wins and two losses, huh?" Kayama Shuuri muttered, looking up at the electronic scoreboard, his mouth twisted in a grim line. "The next match decides which school will emerge as champion."

"It's alright!" Some random player exclaimed. "Next is Shinderui-buchou! He'll win for sure!"

Kenneth resisted the urge to palm his face, but Haruse had no such qualms as he turned and glared at the speaker. "Did you have your eyes shut during last year's Nationals?" he snapped. "It won't be as easy as you think!"

Kaidoh grunted as he watched Shiki stood in front of Ryuzaki, listening to some last minute advice. "Unfortunately, he's right," said the vice-captain with a grunt. "Shinderui's opponent is Rikkaidai's top player. Their fukubuchou is also Japan's number one player, Echizen Rika! They were both unable to participate in this year's Kantou finals because of that car accident, but now that they are both in tip-top condition..." He trailed off before coughing into his hand. "She defeated Shinderui in last year's Nationals, and is said to be on the same level of their former captain – Yukimura Seiichi."

"Not only that." Momoshiro added, turning to face their kouhais. "Shinderui had played against that girl more times than one could count, and he had never won against her once." He smiled grimly. "This match won't be as easy as you think."


"Another match, huh?" Rika sighed, her racquet tucked beneath one arm. She pushed a lock of dark hair out of her eyes and sighed at Shiki's grinning face. "Wipe that smirk off your face, Shiki. I won't be going easy on you just because of your help back then."

"Of course," said Shiki with a grin. "Don't go easy on me. I won't as well. I have some new moves that I want to try out anyway."

Rika raised a brow. "Well then, I look forward to it," she said before placing the head of her racquet on the ground. "Which?"

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