My saviour (An Andrew Detmer Love Story) Part 5

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Tightly holding onto Andrew, him, me and Steve ventured further and further into the woods. I have to admit, I wasn't a big fan of the dark and I didn't really trust this one bit.

Finally, we came to a clearing and we saw Matt standing there by himself next to a hole in the ground. 'Is that it? What's so special about a hole.' I thought to myself.

"Where is everybody?" Steve shouted.

"They left! Come on lets go, lets go, lets go!" Matt replied.

When we got down to the hole, I started to feel very uneasy. As we edged closer and closer, it started to make this really weird sound. 

"You know what, I wanna go inside!" Steve said. Oh no. I knew this was gonna happen... Before any of us could protest, he jumped down the hole. You'd think that for a senior class president, he'd have more common sense. Although, it was really bothering me not knowing what was down there so I kinda wanted to go in too. Before long though, Matt wanted to jump in too and, sure enough, he was clambering in.

"Wait, Matt you're our ride home!" Andrew shouted at Matt disappeared into the whole. I guess we had no choice but to go in after them. Andrew went first and turned around to help me in.

The air inside the whole was very thick and the walls were narrow and covered with a foul smelling slime. The tunnel was getting narrower to the point where it was almost impossible to breathe. 

"Hello...? Hello?" Andrew called out to try and find out where the others were. There was no reply. Then suddenly Steve jumped out at us causing both of us to scream. Steve and Matt began to chuckle while me and Andrew cursed them under our breath.

"Andrew you're such a pussy!" Matt shouted out.

Andrew sighed and carried on walking. The tunnel was so narrow now that we had to bend slightly so we could fit. Moments later I heard Steve's voice change from ridiculously excited to utterly shocked.

"Holy shit...!" Steve breathed.

Me and Andrew turned the corner and my mouth dropped. I couldn't believe what I saw. In front of me was a massive illuminated blue rock which was pulsating and omitting a low rumbling sound. I gripped andrew's arm as we stepped wearily closer to this thing. I couldn't see what Matt was doing but he was really close to it. Just then, an unbearably high pitched sound erupted from the rock causing me to wince in pain and tighten my grip on Andrew. We edged over to Steve who was just standing in front of a spike in awe and soon I realized why. Sweat was being extracted from his face and into the spike.We called Matt for him to come over but he responded by shouting something inaudible. 

Suddenly, the rock went from a pulsating blue light to a red one and Steve's nose began gushing blood. The deafening high pitched sound started up again and I was starting to panic. That was the last thing I could recall before I slipped into darkness...

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