My saviour (An Andrew Detmer Love Story) Part 25

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After a few hours of talking, we went to bed. This time Andrew used me as a pillow and laid his head on my chest. I kissed the top of his head and wrapped my arms around him. He's done some bad things, yes, but that doesn't stop me from loving him.

I watched as he made his camera float above us. I wonder... what does he feel when he looks back on the videos of us?

"Hey, Andrew?" I whispered.

"What's up?" He replied and tilted his head upwards to face me. For a minute, I was lost in his crystal blue eyes but quickly found my way back to reality.

"Do you ever watch what you record back?" I asked, trying ever so hard not to lose myself again.

"Yeah, especially of when I first saw you. Getting out of your BMW with a Green Day hoodie. There was something that attracted me to you... Like, most girls these days want to show off their bodies as much as they can but, even with a baggy hoodie on, you still looked petite and beautiful. And how you kept yourself to yourself... Sorry, I'm rambling on aren't I?"

"Not at all." I replied and planted a kiss on his forehead. Our legs intertwined which caused us to move closer together; keeping each other warm on this chilly winter's night.

"Just one thing... why did you choose to hang around with me?" He asked.

"Because I saw you were different. Not like all those other fake people in our class. When I got to know you, it seemed as if I'd known you for years and we were having a catch up. I guess you could say love at first sight." I giggled. I could feel the heat radiate of his cheeks. Ahh why does he have to be so cute?! 

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I replied. The nights we spend together are perfect. I just wish our lives were like that... Perfect.

Little did I know that the next few days were the calm before the storm.

Matt called to let me know the funeral arrangements and asked if I'd heard from Andrew. This time I said that we have met up because I knew I couldn't keep the lie up forever. 

The day of the funeral came sooner than any of us expected. I didn't think I'd get to say goodbye to a friend this soon but I can't bring him back to life.

I got out of my car and walked side by side with Andrew to the church. The day of the funeral came by after a week of Steve's death. He was like a brother I never had and I missed him greatly.

I met Andrew who was carrying his camera, filming the whole funeral. I felt guilty knowing what I knew. His family has a right to know, but yet they don't. They couldn't. It was all just too complicated.

At the burial, my eyes started to tear up. I wanted Steve to just pop out somewhere and to comfort us but that's beyond impossible. As his coffin descended into the ground, people's sniffs and sobs where evident. Nobody should ever have to go like this. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at Casey and Matt. Casey was on the verge of weeping but Matt was staring suspiciously at Andrew. I twitched uncomfortably as I knew Matt knew.

After everyone had paid their respects and began to leave, I placed a single red rose next to the dozens of tributes.

"I'm sorry it all ended this way. I'll miss you." I whispered and patted his tombstone. Andrew's eyes met mine as I turned around to face him. Everyone had left accept me, Andrew and... Matt? He had the same look on him as before but with a hint of anger.

Matt's POV

I approached Andrew and Luce. They knew something. I know they did.

"Why haven't you been returning my calls?" I asked calmly.

"I've been busy." He stated matter of flatly.

"Oh, so you're too busy to answer my calls but not so busy when you went to see Luce?!" I retorted, getting annoyed. A look of guilt and fear appeared on Luce's face. I knew she meant well protecting him but he needs to accept what he's done. He can't sweep this one underneath the carpet.

"She needed comfort. What else was I supposed to do, just leave her?!" Andrew spoke up, raising his voice.

"I'll ask again, what haven't you been answering my calls?" I asked now losing my patients.

"I just don't feel like talking." He responded. He was still holding the camera, recording everything. It was wrong and it pissed me off.

"Andrew, turn off the camera." I said. He backed away and shielded it so I couldn't get to it, or so he thought. I followed him, wanting to make sure he felt as guilty as he should be for taking away my friend. "Andrew, how do you get struck by lightning durning a storm with no recorded lightning strikes? How?! They found Steve in the middle of a field... why would Steve be out in the middle of a field during a lightning storm Andrew?" I taunted. Luce was trying to make me calm down but I couldn't. He really did this time.

"I don't know..." Was all he could say.

"What?!" I yelled.


"Turn off the camera." I said calmly.

"Why?" He asked. was really pushing my buttons.

"Because I want to have a conversation with you!"

"You can't tell me what to do, Matt!" He refused. I made a lunge for the camera. "Don't EVER tell me what to do!" He yelled and made the camera float out of my grasp. Why did he have to be like this?

I sighed and looked around to see if anyone was around. "Are you joking right now? Is this a joke to you?" I paused and calmed down seeing the concern on Luce's face. "What did you do, Andrew. What did you do?" No reply. "Who am I supposed to tell about this? Who am I supposed to talk to about this?! Why don't you just tell me what happened?!" I yelled after him as he shot up off into the sky. I growled and turned to Luce who gave me an apologetic look. I nodded as if to say go after him, and, with that, she took of after him. She's the only one who can get though to him. To be honest, I've lost all hope...

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