Dare 8: Leg Wax, Can Your Pet, Human Centipede

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So the girl called SnowflakeIcing happened to come across me again. I swear that she has psychic powers and she could travel to places when she just thinks of it! Last week I pumped into her in three different places. Yeah, like Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

She dared me every time. Geez, I am too easy to fool!  She was all too friendly..

SnowflakeIcing: "I dare you to have Elsa wax your legs with duck tape."

So my weekend started on getting my legs nice and smooth. They are just so silky, just try it! Elsa seemed too excited about her job being the royal duck tape remove lady. With every scream I made she laughed louder. Oh, yeah! And she taped my whole feet before she even ripped one tape piece away! So I just had to bare it through the whole session.

Those thirty minutes could have been like three hours.  Now it is Monday and my legs still feel like they have bee stings at them. Just don’t tell me to put ice on it.. tried it and it didn’t work.

SnowflakeIcing: "I dare you to play can your pet. (its an online game). Here, take my computer and play it."

She was on an internet café that day. “Jack, come and try this game I found!” She yelled and giggled. I was just freezing a nearby street but I just felt like I could give it a try. So I went inside. Children were pointing at me and the adults looked at the girl like she was crazy. That is what you get for talking with spirits!

Slowly I sat down in front of the computer. She clicked the website open and some weird joyful music started to play. After a quick tutor on how to use a mouse (yeah, that is what people call the thing you click).

“Oh, it is an egg!” I said and felt excited. I named it as “Jack’s Birdie.” Then I was allowed to edit my Birdie. It was a cute one, must I say. I gave it food and cleaned it, it was looking happy! I even played with it. Check out my Birdie’s photo! *points at right side*

Then I was allowed to go bicycling with it. Next images shocked me. I stared at the screen in amazement when it turned to black and the bicycle wasn’t a bicycle..”NOOOOO! Birdie, nooo!” I screamed in panic and SnowflakeIcing was chuckling next to me.

Then I realized.. “Huh..huh..very funny.. Can your pet.” She gave me a hug before I sighed and left. “Warn me next time!” I yelled at the door and she was like “Sure….naah!”

SnowflakeIcing: "I dare you to watch the human centipede with bunnymund"

It was Sunday afternoon when SnowflakeIcing pumped me next time. “Hi!” She was holding to something.

I lifted my eyebrows and pointed that thing. “Hi..What is that?” She giggled. “A movie that a friend just returned… hmm.. In the matter of fact I dare you and Bunnymund to watch it!” Smirk came to my mind.. a girls movie, simple My little ponies or something like that.. no harm..

“Yeah, why not. “ She gave me the DVD and I went to Bunnymund’s place at the evening. Elsa stayed at Arendelle. “Hey Bunnymund! Let’s watch a movie” I was peeking at his rabbit hole.

“What do you want, Frosty?” He snapped. “Some one dared us to watch a movie. A GIRL.” I smirked.

“Ah, bring it on mate!” Bunny said with his strong Australian accent and pulled me inside. He started to look at the DVD’s cover. “Human centipede..Like bugs? Do girl like bugs?” I leaned to see what he saw. “Well… I don’t know.. “ Actually I didn’t even watch what it was about.

We started to watch the film. At first we were sitting casually. Then the images were more disturbing and we were squeezing the chairs hand holders. Our mouths were wide open from shock. Soon images were more disturbing and we were making sounds of disgust.

Then came the final blow. The people were escaping from that awful place in the movie. I found myself flying as fast as I could to close the TV and I had to hold my hand before my mouth since I felt sick to my stomach. I heard a toilet being flushed and Bunny came back.

He wiped his mouth. “Is that girl always so crazy with her stunts, mate? She made me lose some carrots just now!” While holding my stomach I laughed a little careful not to move too much. “She sure is giving me hard time with these!” I answered to Bunny.

So what do you think of my weekend?

Please leave me new dares or ask something in the comments below!

Would also appreciate to have some votes. Give me some sympathy, please. You don't know how a wax with duck tape feels like..

Yours Sincerely,

Jack Frost.

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