Weird Thoughts!/Ch.3

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Marcus put on Miracles from Heaven, they had both fallen asleep halfway through the movie.

Ring!!!Ring!!! It had woken up Marcus, it was a text from his phone. Bianca was laying on him still asleep, so he stretched over her to get his phone. It was a text from Jenna, that was very weird because he didn't give her his number and how did she even get it.
*Uknown Number*: I hope your wife liked the surprise and the chocolates 🍫💖

Marcus' eyes went wide with sleep in his eyes. "Was this girl a stalker or did he know her already and didn't know?" he asked himself. Ring!!! Another text from his 'stalker,' it said:

       Jenna: I hope I didn't scare you earlier just showing up at your house 😳😅 you probably think I'm like a stalker or something, but I promise I'm not. Do u want to go get coffee tomorrow morning at Noah's Bagels? At 9:15, you don't have to come either.

        Marcus looked at the time, it was 9:24. The bright light from Marcus' phone woke up Bianca and she asked Marcus, "Are you ok honey?" "Yea, go back to sleep," he reassured her.

        "We'll if I'm going back to sleep, I'm going in the bedroom, Buonanotte amore mio! Bianca told him, she had said goodnight my love in Italian. "Buonanotte!" Marcus said in Italian. Bianca was from Italy and Marcus was from the Bronx, so you can piece it together.

        Marcus didn't know what to do about this text that Jenna sent him, so he decided to text his friend Joey about it. Joey was his friend from college, he was the head coach where Marcus worked. Therefore, that's how Marcus got the job, he went to Joey's contact debating whether to call or text. He thought to himself that it wouldn't hurt to call,

        Ring.... "Hello?" voice said in the phone. "Joey, it's me Marcus," Marcus answered into the phone. "Oh hey Marcus, what's up?" Joey said. "Hey I wanted your input on something, you're married, right?" he asked Joey. "Yeah..., why?" Joey answered. "Well I met this girl named Jenna in Walmart, blonde hair blue eyes. Kind a pretty, I had dropped my wallet in the store so she followed me home to give it to me. She then did a very nice gesture and now she just texted me like a few minutes ago saying to go get coffee. What should I do?" Marcus told him.

        "Well I think you should first let Bianca know that you met her and that she texted you, and then ask her would she mind if you went to coffee with this woman you don't know. Then ask yourself would you regret this in the future!" Joey explained to him.

        "What heck no! Why would I tell her that, she probably won't let me go if I tell her all that? Besides I think I know this woman from somewhere," Marcus told him. Marcus had done a lot of bad things in his life, drinking problem, and has struggled with treating women badly. So, his marriage with Bianca was kind of a new start for him in a sense, that it was a fresh start for him. "Then no regrets man just remembers that, you got a lucky one," Joey replied to Marcus.

        "Hey don't forget we got that game on Saturday; 7:30," Joey reminded him. "Alright, I won't forget. Bye," Marcus said as he hung up the phone.

Do you think that Marcus didn't the right thing....? What will this lead to?!?
Comment please and tell me how my first story is!!💕👏🏽

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