Chapter 13

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Iris's POV

Hope is painful and unfortunately, I've been full of it this past week. All I keep thinking is that Sam will run through the door and swoop me into arms. Remove the collar and take me away. Sometime I even imagine him killing Caleb, that gives me great joy. But it's only illusion of my mind playing tricks of me, like a dream that haunts your every hour. Tonight, it's a masquerade ball. Old fashioned but I don't mind. Maybe it will get Sam off my mind. But he just won't leave ever since I saw Chloe and Charlie. They gave me hope that he would come. But hope can be deadly.

Again, I lean over the balcony and watch as our guests come in again. This time dressed up in more elaborate suits and dresses, accompanied with masks. Caleb announces my arrival and I go down the stairs to be greeted with clapping from our many guests. I stay by Caleb side until the dancing starts and he goes off to do business, again leaving me alone. I finish my champagne when a man comes up to me, dressed in a suit and wearing a mask. He looks familiar but I don't know why. So I shrug it off.

He offers his hand, "Would you like to dance?"

That voice. No, it's nothing. just your mind playing tricks. Sam wouldn't come here, you broke his heart.

I smile, "I would love to."

He sweeps me onto the dance floor and soon we are dancing amongst the crowd. We sway gently to the music and then our eyes lock. Those eyes, I know those eyes. Could it possibly be? The brown eyes of the man I love.

He smirks as he wraps an arm around my waist, "I never knew you could dance. But I guess that is your cover."

I hold in a gasp, "What could you possibly mean? Have we met before?"

He leans and whispers in my ear, "You tell me Iris."

I gasp, "How do you know that name?"

He chuckles, "Because we used to be lovers. Before my beautiful girlfriend disappeared one night..."

It can't be Sam. It can't be, I refuse to believe it.

"It can't be you." He pulls me close and lifts his mask up so I can see his face

It's him. His brown eyes and that smile I would never forget. He puts his mask down as he keeps dancing with me.

A bright smile creeps across my face, "How did did you find me?"

"Chloe and Charlie informed me where you were. How you got here. Couldn't get here fast enough." He chuckles.

He leans closer, whispering into my ear, "And I plan to steal you away from him."

"Steal away."

Then the song stops and everyone claps as Sam takes my hand. He leads me upstairs and takes me into a spare room. Once the doors shut, he pulls a knife and fiddles with the lock on the collar on my neck. It clicks and he pulls it off me, before smashing it in two. I take a breath, rubbing my neck. It still hurts a bit but it feels better now it has been removed.

He drops the collar to the floor as I move to stand in front of him and remove his mask. Now looking at him, I can see how me leaving has hurt him.

He still smiles though and pulls me into his arms and soon are lips meet. He kisses me back as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer.

He pulls away as he wipes away a tear that had fallen down my cheek, "Sam...I'm so sorry... I didn't want to... he..."

He puts his finger to my lips, stopping me from saying another word, "You don't need to say another word my love. I know what he did." He takes breath as he rubs his hand cross my cheek, "I won't let him hurt you again."

"Get me out of here." I beg as I rip of the fake engagement ring.

He smirks, "It would be my pleasure. The others are waiting for us. Oh, and you will need this..." he pulls out some clothes and I smile.

I take them and quickly changes before putting my hair down and removing all this fucking make up. Once I'm done he seems happy until he sees my neck, it looks worse without the makeup. He traces his hand over my neck.

He takes a breath, "Let's go." He pulls out his phone as he dials the number and we go back onto the balcony.

"Nathan it's me. I've got Iris. Could do with the distraction right now." He hangs up as suddenly there is sound of the engine.

I look down as people begin screaming as they run away from the exist. The doors smash open and a car appears. Nathan, Chloe, Charlie and Elena jump out and begin shooting up the place, while Sully keeps behind the wheel for a quick escape. Sam passes me a gun as we both begin running down the stairs to join them.

I begin shooting at the guards when I realise, I can't see Caleb. Suddenly, I feel something in myside and I gasp out in pain as I collapse to the floor.


Sam turns to me as Caleb steps over me, "You should have stayed my slave Iris."

Sam tries to get to me but is held back by Caleb, as he is knocked to the ground. I check my side and like I feared, I have been stabbed. It doesn't look good. Groaning in pain, I sit up and shoot Caleb in the chest before he can hurt Sam. He falls to the ground, blood flowing out his mouth.

I fall back to the ground as I drop the gun and hold my side. I'm losing too much blood.

Sam appears at my side and he picks me up bridal style, "Iris! Iris keep your eyes on me. I'm not losing you. you hear me. I lost you once, and I can't lose you again."

We reach the car and carefully gets in, with me still laying in his arms. The others get in and I hear the engine start as they begin to drive away.

Sam pulls up my shirt to reveal the nasty stab wound.

"I'm sorry Sam."

He shakes his head, "No, don't you dare say goodbye. You are going to survive this."

He grabs the medic kit and injects me with morphine. He then begins cleaning the blood but it keeps pouring out.


He shakes his head, "This is going to hurt."

He tips alcohol onto the wound and I hiss as he tries to stop the bleeding. He grabs the needle but his hand is shaking.

"Sam stop!!! Please listen to me. It's too late, I'm dead. Please just talk to me before I go."

"I can't lose you." Tears roll down his cheek.

I smile, "You won't, I will always be with you. Please Sam, don't blame yourself. You couldn't have stopped this and I don't regret my actions. I thought I would never see you again. And I'm so glad I did."

Sam leans in and kisses me and then my eye sight goes blurry. And I hear voices and then there is darkness.

The Sapphire Ring - Uncharted - Sam Drake Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now