Chapter 15

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Japan, I don't think I have ever been to Japan. Well, I guess we still haven't properly. We are on a small island off the coast of Japan, and the boat has just pulled onto the beach. Sam helps me out while Charlie, Sully and Chloe jumps out, all with backpacks and weapons at the ready. I pull out my gun as we continue to walk off the beach and into the forest. We reach the closest mountain but there is no sign of Nathan or Elena. Where have they got to? I hope they are ok.

"This doesn't look good." Charlie remarks as we reach the side of the mountain.

Sam keeps his hand looped with mine, "You shouldn't have come."

I chuckle, "Not like you had a choice."

"I like her." Chloe chuckles and I smile.

Then we hear it, a trig snap. I turn and aim my gun at them as they come out. They are slightly battered but looks like they are ok. It's Nathan and Elena

I lower my gun, "Nathan, Elena."

They smile and Elena pulls me into a hug as Sam hugs Nathan.

Nathan comes over to me as Elena says hi to Chloe, "You gave us quite the scare Iris."

"So did you. What happened?"

"Not sure. We activated a trap of some sort barely got out alive." Nathan says, clearly confused on what happened.

"At least you are alright." Sam says, wrapping at arm around me, "You had us worried."

Elena asks as Sully hugs Nate, "Surely you should be resting?"

"I made Sam bring me along. He didn't have much choice. So are you going to show us where you were, before the trap set off?" they nod.

Time Skip

We separate into group; myself, Nathan, Sam and Elena are going to go and find the trap. While Chloe, Charlie and Sully go up to the highest cliff for surveillance. Just in case we have any company.

Once we reach the side of the mountain, I can see the trap. The mountain side has pressure pad underneath the grass that activate bombs and automatic guns.

"Don't take another step. The whole area been bobby trapped."

They stop moving and then I see it, engraved in the floor. But it can't be. It's a key lock, for my ring. I kneel and press my ring into it. The floor shakes and everyone takes a step back. As the pressure pads rise into the air, flip and then go back onto the grass. The side of the mountain shakes and a door opens. My ancestors were here. But for what purpose? Why?

"Iris? What did you just do?" Nathan asks.

"I deactivated it, with my ring." I take a step forward and go towards the door, "What the hell were my ancestors doing here?"

Sam takes my hand, "You were right. I'm glad you came."

I'm not sure I am. My ancestors, that city, they are not saints. They create dark devices and they are very dark people. If they took this out the city and put all these traps in, then it must be incredible dangerous. I can't wait to find out what it is.

I go towards the entrance and go inside, closely followed by Sam, Nathan and Elena. The cave lights up as we enter, automatic self-lighting torches. What is going on here?

"Iris... are you ok?" Sam says, keeping his hand firmly attached to mine.

I shake my head, "I have a bad feeling about this. The people from my city are dark people and they have made a lot of devices. Much like that collar. If they left this for a guardian to find, you have to wonder why."

We reach the bottom of the corridor and I push open the door. Inside, the room is full of treasure and in the middle, is a gem stone, displayed in the centre of the room.

"We found the treasure then." Nathan remarks.

Elena half smiles, "Mission accomplished? This is to easy." She signs picking up a golden coin, "Why set all these traps up to guard a treasure when they know only a guardian can get to it?"

I go towards the podium and stare at the pure emerald, "Because this isn't a normal gem stone."

Suddenly the doors shut behind us and Nathan runs back and tries to get it open. We are trapped. In seconds, I place my ring against the emerald and it opens, revealing a dark sapphire inside. The sapphire glows before hovering in the air. A blue light shines out of it, and goes up and down my body.

It clicks and then stone speaks, it's a small robot, "Guardian, do you know your fate?"

"What fate?"

It speaks again, "Guardian, you have failed your city. You must suffer your fate. Only death will stop your suffering." The gem falls to the floor.

Suddenly the room shakes and Sam, Nathan and Elena are knocked to the floor. My ring glows a bright black and then the gem on the ring begins to crack. The ring shatters and I'm surrounded in black smoke.

"Iris!!!!" I hear them scream my name as a burning mark appears on my skin.

No.... the mark of death. The door on the other side of the room opens and I run, I run as fast as my feet can take as the darkness goes into my skin. the darkness will soon corrupt me and I lose control of my mind and body. Then, the darkness will kill everyone I hold dear before it kills me.

I need to die, I must do. I come out the corridors and run to the edge of the cliff. My feet right at the edge, underneath the waves crashing against the cliff.

The wind is cold but I make no effort, to brace myself against the icy chill. My breathing is steady, my face calm and yet my body is twitching. I'm dying to take the last leap. The darkness seeping into my skin and I can feel it taking over already.

Thinking back now, I dreamt this happening. I guess I was always coming here, to die.

I turn back and look at my life. It's like it is flashing before my eyes as I stare at the people I claim to love. The moments I have had with each of them, is something you can't just forget.

My friends, Nathan, Elena, Chloe, Charlie and Sullivan, people who have helped me at the worst of time. I wouldn't replace any of them.

My lover, Sam. Who gave me life new meaning and purpose and saved me from the cruellest of men. He is my soul mate, but every moment right now is hurting him. I can't bear it.

I pull out my gun and aim it at them. I'm the villain, I walked into their lives and now I will destroy them. I can't let that happen.

"Iris, what are you doing!!!" Sam yells.

I shake my head, "I'm sorry. But the moment the darkness takes over, I will kill you." He takes a step forward, "Step back. You must let me do this. Or we all die."

I'm not afraid to jump. I'm not afraid to die. I'm afraid of what I'm going to leave behind. A dark memory of the person they once knew.

I turn away from, my feet hanging off the edge and then there is the fall. Everything falls silent, only the sound of their screams, the crashing waves and shot going off. My body hits the water, the water flooding into my lungs. The gun is sinking beside me as I sink. I stare at the mark on my arm as it fades and the darkness leaves me. And then there is complete silence, my eyes close. I'm done now

The Sapphire Ring - Uncharted - Sam Drake Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now