Chapter 4: Adam

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I'm humiliated.

There aren't a lot of disabled people left in the world. That's probably a good thing, the world may be dying but we've got the most advanced medical science of all time. I'm missing a few of my vertebrae but a couple of doctors could easily fix that. Issue being, They are chasing us and They basically hold absolute power here. I would have no chance even booking that appointment.

The point being, I might be the only visibly disabled person in London. Sure, Jed's deaf, Thalia's blind and William doesn't have any hands, but, oddly, not one of those impacted their ability to abseil down the wall. Me on the other hand, I get dangled from a complex pulley system and lowered at such a slow speed that a dead snail stuck in quick drying cement, being dragged in the other direction by a lorry, would have reached Australia before I reached the ground. Though, in fairness, Australia is not as far away as it used to be. It's slow, is what I'm saying.

And when you're moving at that speed, not only do you get concerned about the 'people' chasing you, you also get awful looks from strangers. Most of them don't do it intentionally, a lot of people just look at me and then look away, worried that they'll offend me by looking at me for too long. There is the occasional arsehole, but most of the time it's just that feeling that my body is so disgusting no one would dare look at it.

Sometimes I wish I could just hide myself away. But I have people relying on me. Now, I realise, with all the carrying and pulley systems, it might seem like I'm relying on them. But that's just because now is no time. So for now, my goal is to end what it is that we're going through.

Finally, I reach the bottom. My body is caught by a guy in a full body protective suit. He lets out a muffled, "There ya go, Professor X," as he sets me in my wheelchair. Tark is an arse, but he means well. He calls me Professor X, yes, because I'm in a wheelchair, and because I have a British accent, but also because I actually am a professor. At least, I was, before They found me.

"Cheers, Tark."

The only people still up there now are Becca, Robin and Jason. After Tark moves me out of the way, each one swings down in a matter of seconds simultaneously, landing in a triangular formation like one of those camp superhero teams from the early 21st century, barely taking time to acknowledge the obvious rope burns that that should give them.

Not that I want them to get rope burns, it's just, physics. Or whatever's left of it.

Before the incident I thought I knew physics like the back of my hand. Then They broke the world and started chasing me. Sometimes I wonder if they were just trying to recruit me, to help them solve the problem. Then I remember They are the ones that put me in this chair.

They could still be following us. Maybe they are, maybe they're already waiting on the other side of the Thames. Either way, it looks like we're going to go and mingle with the buyers and sellers milling about in and around the various stalls. People are selling things I haven't seen in years, (at least, in no time), everything from fizzy drinks to Chinese food.

"Are we sure this is a good idea?" I ask, it is slightly concerning, They could be right behind us.

Chloe seems about to speak, but she can't. It makes sense, she's going through a lot at the moment, add on the reality split, she's not going to be in sound mind for a while. Robin speaks in her place, "If we went straight ahead into the tunnel we'd be easy targets, we need to mingle."

The group split up into smaller groups, with strict instructions on where and when to meet up. Jed with Thalia, Trish with Murray, Aisha with Jason. Those are the obvious ones, because, well, they're dating each other. Robin is still basically babysitting Chloe, which is understandable, as mentioned. Tark with Becca and William, this also makes sense, Becca is easily the best fighter in no time so it makes sense to have her supervise Tark who has no peripheral vision with his sun gear on and William who, well, doesn't have hands. So that just leaves me with Jess.

This isn't an issue, she's the only other person left, but it does sort of feel like we were put together just because we're both British. Which is stupid. First of all, William is also British. Secondly, Great Britain is a small place - even smaller now than it used to be - but it was always small, but Jess grew up on Skye, an Island that used to be just off the coast of Scotland, whereas I grew up here - in London. Before what happened happened - I had never even met Jess.

I mean, she's not exactly bad to look at. Petite body, cute face, with a massive explosion of ginger curls for her hair. The way she holds herself, what can I say? A lack of confidence is kind of a turn on for me. A sharp mind, excellent yes time skills, and that accent, Jesus. She's beautiful really.

On the other hand, she's very secretive about her past. Everyone else in the group has always been very open about that, I've told everyone how I got in this wheelchair (Them), Robin has told us how she learned to track (Them), and Chloe even divulged her first kiss (Not Them, obviously. God, can you imagine?).

Jess however, has always stayed silent on that. Beyond growing up in Skye, I know bugger all about her history. So, now that she's walking beside me as I wheel myself along, this might be the perfect time to ask. "So, Jess, we've never really talked, have we?" What kind of opening line was that?

"Oh, um, no, I guess not." With that she just looks around a bit more. I don't know what she's looking for, none of us have any money.

Don't let this conversation die, Adam. "Do you want to talk?"

"I mean, I dinni realise you were so talkative." Ooh, dinni, a Scotishism, that's hot.

"Well, I dinni realise you were so attractive." Bloody hell Adam! You just said that out loud, you plonker! She smiles at me, blushing slightly. Oh it's OK, she dinni slap me. Didn't slap me.

At this point we pass a guy working at a fish 'n' chips stand. He calls out "Free samples!" Jess and I look at each other. We know what we have to do.

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