<END> | Umbrella

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It was time.

It was time for me and my aunt's umbrella to meet again. Finally, I would have a peaceful life without hearing my aunt's ranting, now that I would finally get her most loved umbrella.

Well, thanks for that umbrella I was able to meet such a handsome-looking guy that I never thought would exist in this world.

I was waiting there while playing with my phone in front of that same convenient store. It was getting a bit darker than usual. I guessed that it was going to rain that time.

Well, it's fine. I'm going to get an umbrella anyway, so I could use it  whenever it rains.

Just a few minutes after, I heard someone shouted my name from my left side. So, I quickly turned my face to see who it was.

Myungsoo- sunbae finally came.

I smiled while he was heading his way towards me. But as he got closer to the convenient store, I could see a pair of legs following his.

I stretched my head to see if he was with someone else, and as soon as he reached the store I saw his fingers interwining with someone else's.

A girl revealed herself from Myungsoo's back. I could barely see her from afar because of her really thin body that was behind Myungsoo.

She looked so beautiful, just like a goddess of beauty. She was someone that every girls would be jealous of. She looked so lively and cute. She wasn't so much of a sophisticated person but, the way she looked and walked was so elegant and lady-like.

She must be Yoona.. But she looked so much better than me for Myungsoo to think that she was me. Well, we both have thin body so, that must be why he got confused before.

"Ah, Jini-ssi. Here you go," he said while passing me the umbrella with his left hand since his right hand was holding the other girl's hand.

It was so heartbreaking, how they were just smiling at me and I was just there smiling back to them when inside, I'm actually crying in so much pain and regret.

Regret for falling to someone so easily.

I took the umbrella from his hand, and as I did they both waved at me and said 'bye', making me feel horrible to myself. They went just like that.

It seemed like they went to me and stabbed me, and then left me there bleeding and slowly dying.

I stood there frozen while looking at the two of them walk away. But, raindrop started falling all of a sudden.

I turned around trying to forget him, who broke my heart in just one millisecond. And then a guy in a tux appeared in front of me which frightened me.

He stopped me from walking while he was catching his breath.

"Excuse me but,(*trying to catch his breathe*) can you please drop me off to the other side of the road with your umbrella? I just don't want to get soaked in the rain before I even get to my sister's party," he begged eagerly so, I just agreed to it.

It was just at the other side of the road. So, instead of being so greedy, I would rather be a kind-hearted person.

After crossing the road, the guy turned to me and thanked me.

"Thank you so much. I'm Park Jimin by the way. Hope I could see you next time," he waved to me and went inside the building. I smiled at him before he went in.

That Jimin guy seemed so nice. He looked so hot and cute at the same time.
Well, I didn't wanna make the same mistake again so, I just tried to forget about him as soon as possible.

What's with this umbrella, though? I kept on meeting good-looking guys when I have it. There must be some kind of magic in here. This might be the reason why my aunt couldn't forget about this umbrella. Or, fate might just want me to learn what true love is so, it's giving me challenges.


[ END ]

Forgive me for some cringy lines >.<

[A/N: Hwiii~~~ this short story is finally done! Hope you guys liked it, esp. jeanneryyyy ( toingks! ) ..

Thank you so muach! <3

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