430 9 1

I was woken up again by my alarm I really didn't want to go school really didn't

I got out of bed to my bathroom hopped in the shower blew dried my hair brushed my hair and teeth tied my hair up into a half up half down hair style but the half up was in a bun I pulled some strands out at the front dome little makeup

I got dressed into black high waisted skinny jeans with a cropped black adidas sweatshirt and my all white Nike air forces

Put some spray and perfume on

I grabbed my bag keys and phone walked downstairs put some food and water in my bag put my bag on my shoulder

Grabbed a pop tart and walked out the door to my car and drove to the school while eating

Once I got to the school I parked in the driving lot put my bag on my shoulder and got out

I met up with everyone as I got there jack came up to me

Jack:awwww is Charlotte upset that her friend killed herself well she made the right choice no one liked her

Zach was here jack looked at Zach and his expression changed Zach punched him pinned him to the floor punched him another 3 times until jack pushed him off and punched him

Logan ran in and stopped them
Zach:bro but what he said
Logan:I know bro he's not worth it
I walked off Ava and Ellie came to my sides

Ava:you ok we were close to her to
I nodded James caught up to us he hugged me

I cried into his shoulder
James:yeah yeah yeah I know it's hard but she wouldn't want to see you like this

I wiped my tears
Jack came up to me again and pushed me

Charlotte:what the fuck
I shouted
he pushed me again I rolled my eyes
Charlotte:are you finished
He pushed me 10x harder sending me back

Logan ran up and punched him in the face then pinned him to the floor and punched him the face a coupled for times the girls helped me up

The principal came out and stopped the fight

Charlotte:oh my god I didn't even do anything
Principal:we'll see about that
I rolled my eyes

Logan:you ok
He intertwined our fingers and we walked to the principals office

He slammed the door making me jump
Charlotte:sir I didn't even do anything I don't even know why I'm here
Principal:explain what happened then
I explained what happened
Principal:ok jack Zach and Logan we are going to talk about your consequences
Charlotte:oh my god Zach and Logan didn't do anything either Logan was sticking up for me his girlfriend and Zach was sticking up for his he's really hurt can't you tell

The principal sighed
Principal:ok Zach Logan you have a lunch and break time your off on a warning you 3 go jack stay

We walked out
Charlotte:don't even want to be here
We walked to maths and walked in

Miss:why you late
The principal spoke threw the speakers

Principal:Charlotte to the principal office please
I sighed
Charlotte:just came from there
I walked to the principals office

Principal:can you stick these posters up on the wall please
They was 'say no to suicide' or 'you can help if you are ever thinking about it' kind of posters

I sighed and grabbed the posters
Principal:thanks jacks got excluded
Charlotte:ok thank you
I walked out off the office and went and stuck the posters up around the school I went to my locker and put the rest of the posters in there

I walked into maths

Miss:why so long
Charlotte:had to do something for the principal miss
Miss:whatever sit down
I rolled my eyes I sat next to James

James:you ok
I shook my head put my head in my hands

James:go sit next to your boyfriend
I agreed grabbed my bag and sat next to Logan

He hugged me I hid my face in his neck

Logan:you get through it baby
He whispered
Charlotte:really because I don't feel anything
He sighed and pecked my forehead
I was getting a call of my mom

Miss:answer it
I answered it
Mom:how are you feeling
Charlotte:nothing to be honest I don't want to be here
Mom:come home
Charlotte:don't think they will let me
Mom:I've rang them up and they said you can come home so can Logan his mom agreed

I picked my bag up
Charlotte:ok thanks mom love you
Mom:love you to see you later tonight
Charlotte:see you later
I ended it
Charlotte:Logan we can go home your mom agreed
He picked his bag up I picked mine up

Zach:don't leave me
Charlotte:come with us
He picked his bag up aswell
Charlotte:bye miss
Miss:your leaving
Charlotte:yeah the schools letting us my mom called the school up

Jackson:don't even know why your upset about it you barely knew her
Charlotte:oh my god yes I did I facetimed her most nights she was one of my bestfriends

We walked out of our class and walked to my car and got in

Zach:who's house we going to
I nodded and drove to my house we walked in and went to my room

I took my shoes off and put my bag down

Zach:nice room
I laid on my bed
Zach:you two fucked on this yet
Logan:what you think
Zach:Yess my boy
They bro hugged i chuckled
Zach:party my house this Friday for the end of school
Logan:there my boy
Zach:yes there is going to be alcohol
Charlotte:I'm there
Logan chuckled and climbed on top of me I laughed he kissed me I kissed him back

Zach:aye aye I'm here
We laughed and pulled away I sat up and we all sat on my bed

I put my head on Logan's shoulder we all talked ate even made cookies

Around 3 Zach left Logan and I went on my sofa and watched tv while eating cookies

Around 8 we decided to go out I put my shoes on and grabbed my car keys we drove to the cliffs the sun was setting we sat on the hood of my car Logan sat behind me wrapped his arms around my waist

I smiled and intertwined our fingers he pecked my cheek

I took a picture of the sunset then me and Logan took a selfie

Logan:can we go to mine I gotta film a vine
Charlotte:ok lets go
We got into my car and drove to Logan's house

We walked in
Pam:hey guys
Logan:hey mom
Charlotte:hey Pam
Logan:mom Zachs having an end of year party on Friday can I go
Pam:if you stay in school for the rest of the week
Logan:yes mom
Pam:ok then you can go
He cheered
Jake:Logan film a vine with me
Pam:you boys and those vines
I laughed Logan grabbed my hand

Logan:bye mom
I waved and we ran upstairs they planned out a vine

I got a text from Ellie

Ellie-prom tomorrow on Thursday you coming? Xx
I groaned
Charlotte:crap I forgot about prom
Logan chuckled
Charlotte:yeah I don't have my dress or nothing
Logan:go shopping after school tomorrow
Charlotte:yeah thanks babe
Logan:your welcome

Logan and Jake filmed vines I got into one around 10 I went home

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