460 9 1

I was woken up guess what my alarm as usual I got out of bed walked into the bathroom hopped in the shower blew dried my hair brushed my hair and teeth

I done light makeup got dressed into black leggings and a white Nike sweatshirt and my black and white NMDs

Put some spray on and tied my hair up into a half up half down hair style

I grabbed my black backpack filled it with everything I needed walked downstairs

I drove to school and put my bag on my shoulder and met up with Logan and everyone

There was a new girl in our school she was really pretty and skinny got curves

I sighed she came up to me
Girl:so your the popular girl
Girl:how look what your wearing
Charlotte:you don't know anything about me so stop judging me and it's designer stuff what are you wearing 99 cent store stuff

She rolled her eyes
She walked off
Ellie:a right bitch
I nodded and walked off Logan grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug

Charlotte:it's so hard
Logan:I know gorgeous it will get easier
Charlotte:it will never get easier
He sighed
Logan:I'm proud of you
Logan:for being this strong
I pecked his lips and intertwined our fingers

The counsellor came up to me
Sir:Charlotte want to come to my office Logan you can come aswell if you like
Logan:yeah it's ok let's go
We walked to the counsellors office

Counsellor:so we have got from many students Charlotte you got raped

I looked down Logan squeezed my hand

Mia:uh yeah I don't want to talk about it thanks anyway

I grabbed my bag
Counsellor:not finish sit
I sat
Counsellor:I'm here to help your not alone
Logan:never always got me
Charlotte:said I don't want to talk about it
Counsellor:know who it is
Counsellor:gonna report it to the police
I grabbed my bag
Counsellor:have you told your parents
Charlotte:ding ding ding

I got up
Charlotte:I'm going to lesson
Counsellor:I'm trying to help
Charlotte:I DONT*breathed out* want help I dont need it
Logan:thanks anyway sir
He nodded we left
Logan:he was trying to help
Charlotte:like you helped when you let him rape me
Logan:you know I tried my best Charlotte

He walked away to science I sighed and followed him

We walked into science
Logan:what Charlotte make me feel worst then I already do I don't sleep at night because of what happened so stop making me feel worse

Sir:both of you sit down don't just walk in here late causing a trouble

I rolled my eyes and sat next to Zach he brought out some tequila

Charlotte:life saver
He chuckled
Zach:I know
I grabbed it and drank some

Logan:why the hell you drinking at school
I rolled my eyes
Charlotte:want some dickhead
Logan:no I don't stop drinking
I passed Zach back the tequila

I was getting a call from my mom I sighed

Sir:answer it
I thanked him and answered it
Mom:why didn't you tell me why has your counsellor just phoned me saying you have got raped

I breathed out
Charlotte:because oh I'm going to say oh mom at the party I got raped and I don't sleep at night will I

She sighed everyone looked at me
Mom:so it happened at the party
Charlotte:what you think
Mom:ok you wanna talk about it
Mom:do you know who it is
Mom:wanna report it to the police
Mom:gotta tell someone
Charlotte:no I really don't I don't want to I don't want to remember I don't want it to ever pop up again because you try and get raped actually no I don't want you to get raped because it's the worse thing in the fucking world

A tear rolled down my cheek
Mom:you wanna come home
Mom:okay see you when you get home
Charlotte:ok bye

I ended the call and wiped my tears put my phone on the desk

Sir:go home Charlotte
I sighed
Logan:I'm coming
Charlotte:no your not
I grabbed my bag and phone
Charlotte:because I want to be alone
Logan:all your fault Zach
I wacked Logan
Charlotte:stop had enough

Ava:Zach raped you
I didn't answer I just walked out and ran to my car when I got in I bursted out crying I hit my wheel

Logan got in and hugged me
Logan:I'm sorry
Charlotte:no I'm sorry
He wiped my tears
Logan:please don't cry
I nodded
Logan:I love you
Charlotte:love you more
Logan:where you wanna go then beautiful
Charlotte:my house
Logan:let's go then
We drove to my house luckily my parents wasn't home

I walked into the kitchen and made Logan and I some cereal
Logan:I love cereal
We high fived and walked up to my room I got dressed into comfy clothes

Got into bed so did Logan we watched Netflix and ate cereal

I took the bowls downstairs while I was washing them I felt someone wrap there arms around my waist I jumped

He let go I sighed and carried on
Logan:this relationships not working

I dried my hands
Charlotte:what you mean
Logan:I mean this relationship is t working and we should break up
Charlotte:but why
Logan:we are always arguing I can't even touch you
Logan:no no no I'm not thinking that
Charlotte:then what you thinking then that I'm a slag im not pretty it's class as cheating if I got raped

Logan:stop im not thinking that you are so gorgeous and your not a slag this relationship isn't working

I wiped my tears
Logan:I still love you
Charlotte:do you?
He looked down
Charlotte:exactly out
Charlotte:out Logan

He left I felt even more broken

Guys this is the end the sequel will be out soon I promise I hope you enjoyed

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