Chapter 2: I'm a criminal

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~Kiru's POV~

I looked down at the dead corpse, in front of me. Mildly disgusted, I kicked her in the face. I haven't been called by my actual name for years. It was unnatural and disturbing for someone like her to call me Kiru. I decided to make up a name: Breakdown. I looked over my work of art. I hope Jashin is looking down on me proud. I needed to name it.

(Why do you think I was not calling her name in the past chapter?)

I got my own blood and drew in the ground: 'Breakdown.' I think I'll start doing that to every one of my sacrifices. Think of it as a signature for me. It would be nice to let people know that this is my sacrifices and no one else's, the credits all mine! Hisssss! But then again, it's not like anyone will know my face.

Soon after, I extracted all of the weapons that stuck out of my form as body began to heal the openings. I love the fact that my body can heal fast.

Those damn scientist are good for something. Even so, I'm not going back to them. I wonder if they are ever going to figure out that the one named Breakdown is me.


Another month has past ever since I've named myself. Blood poured out of my recently-made stab wounds. I finished up the ritual. This might be my 54th sacrifice? Maybe, maybe not. I lost count. I started down at my sacrifice. He seemed to be a Jonin looking to take me down. His dead body is evidence that he failed. I took some of my blood once more and wrote next to his corpse: 'Breakdown.' I honestly don't know why that name but I don't care.

I looked through the Jonin's pockets, hoping to find something. He had nothing on him except a bingo book. Really? I hoped to find some food pills or maybe some spare kunai. I might as well look through his book. It seemed to be recently updated. I scanned my eyes over the many S-ranked or SS-ranked ninjas. Maybe this is some valuable information. Zabuza Momochi... Kakashi Hatake... Orochimaru... My breath hitched, stopping at one of the pages. Page 106 was titled Breakdown.


Name: Breakdown

Current Ninja Rank: N/A

Affilation: None


Only recently a individual has named themselves 'Breakdown.' Many fellow ninja have reported this person's killings. Those who fell victim to Breakdown has been murdered in violent ways. No one knows how he/she has kill them or if Breakdown is their real name. or why they are killing. No one knows the appearance of the mass murderer. However, an ocuring pattern in their killings is a symbol of a upside down triangle inside a circle.


That was the information it gave. I chuckled slightly. I only named myself Breakdown a month ago and I'm already in the bingo books? It didn't even have a photo. I must be good. Yet it angers me to see that they don't recognize the Jashin symbol. Like seriously, can't people do some f*cking research?! I sighed.

Suddenly, my ears perked up at distant talking.

"I'm telling you, Art is an Explosion, un!"

"Shut up, brat. You don't know what real art is."

"You're the delusional one here!"

What... the hell? One of the voices was low and grave while the other one had a pretty high voice compared to the other one yet not high enough to be a girl's. Why are they talking about art? It doesn't matter. Maybe I can finally make them into converts. Using my spear as support -because I'm a lazy *ss f*cker- I stood up from my spot.

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