chapter 2

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( brittany )

"while i was walking around the daycare getting use to where things are at!" i had found the playroom where i saw all the kids playing around having fun, so i had decided to introduce myself to them saying my name is brittany.

before i had sat down on the floor, "i had found a big shelf where i can put the toys and stuff animals on then i had heard a girl had came over to me asking me what i am doing?" so when i had looked at the girl. i had told her that i'm putting toys on the shelf, then i had asked if she wants to play with the toys? and she said okay.

after awile she had told me her name is raven, i had told raven my name is brittany and after we had finished talking! raven had asked me to play on the swings? "and i said okay so after we had gotten to the swings i had started to push raven back and forth."

"me and raven were having so much fun on the swings!" that we didn't noticed that the room has became silent, and when i had looked up i had saw a giant girl was stairing at me? i didn't want to run from her so i just stayed right where i was. until i had heard her telling me to come to her and i did so i won't make her mad at me!

then she had picked me up in her hand asking me if i was new here? and i said yes i am new here! then she had asked me what my name is? and i had told her my name is brittany, and then she had told me her name is billyjoe.

after we had talked, "billyjoe had took me over to her side so she can show me to her friend!" and when we had gotten to there side i had heard billyjoe had called her friend over and i had met her friend jasper.

billyjoe had told jasper my name is brittany, then i had asked them if i can be put down on the floor? "and they said no!" then jasper and biilyjoe had told me i was going to play with them.

"on the other side i had saw my friend raven was looking sad!" then billyjoe had gave me over to jasper, and when billyjoe had came back i had saw she was holding my friend raven in her hands.

( raven )

i was playing on the swings! "when i had saw a new worker had came into the playroom" so when i had walked up to her, i saw she was putting up toys on the shelf.

then she had asked me if i want to play with the toys? and i had said okay, so i had picked up a stuffed bunny that was pink! then we had sat down on the bench and talked to each other. "i had told her my name is raven then she had told me her name is brittany" and after we had finished talking, i had asked brittany if she wants to play on the swings and she said okay.

when we were having fun playing on the swings! "the playroom had started to get very quiet" so when i had looked up i saw billyjoe had came over to our side of the playroom.

then i had saw billyjoe had picked up brittany and taking my first friend away! "to her side of the playroom so she can meet jasper" then billyjoe had gave my friend to jasper and i had saw billyjoe had came over to me and pick me up and we had went back to there side.

( billyjoe )

me and jasper setting down on the floor talking, we had saw a new daycare worker had came into the playroom! "so my friend jasper had told me to bring her over here" when i had walked over to there side.

i had made all the little humans go silent! then i had gotten over to the swings that they are at, "it was really fun to scare our tiny friends" then after i had picked up the new daycare worker, then i had started to walk back to our side of the room.

and sit down by my best friend jasper, then i had told jasper this is brittany.

then we had heard brittany had asked us to put her down on the floor? "and we had told brittany no!" then i had past brittany over to jasper so i can go get raven, and after i had picked up raven i had brought her over to ourside to play.

( jasper )

when me my best friend billyjoe were talking we had saw that we have a new daycare worker here, then i had polightly had asked my friend to bring me that new daycare worker to me.

when i had saw billyjoe had came back she holding the new daycare worker in her hand! "then billyjoe had gave me the worker because she had to go get our tiny little friend raven."

then billyjoe had brought over raven, and sat back down on the floor by me! "then we had started to play hide and seek with our little humans" and it was really awesome to hangout with our new friends.

"then we had heard it was lunch time!" so we had gotten up with our friends and went to go eat our lunch.

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