chapter 25

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( mom and dad )

when we had heard brittany, raven and misty in the playroom with aphmau "we wanted to get a picture of them playing" but when we had gotten close to the playroom we didn't see them! like they had dissapeared in thin air.

"so then we had went to get aphmau big brother and big sister to help us look for them!" so when we had gotten nathan and ana to help us look for brittany, raven, misty and aphmau! we had told them that they had dissapeared in thin air.

( nathan and ana )

when we had saw brittany parents had came over to us, "and told us that they can't find brittany, raven, misty and aphmau in the house" we were wondering if our baby sister is using her psychic powers?

( sabrina )

"umm mom do you know where brittany is at?"

( layla )

"dad do you know where raven is at?"

( sonja )

"mom and dad where did our three human sisters went?"

( mom and dad )

when we had saw our girls had woken up from there naps and asked us where brittany, raven and misty are at? "we had told them that they are playing hide and seek with aphmau."

but then we had started to look for them before we call the cops saying that our kids are missing! "and then we had saw sabrina had came over to us saying did someone steal our human siblings from us?"

then me and my husband were surprise when we had heard sabrina would say that! "until we had saw our daughter start to cry" so then we had told her the truth that brittany, raven and misty had dissapeared when me and dad had went to check on them.

meanwhile with aphmau.

( aphmau )

while i had put brittany, raven and misty in there seat for there naps "i had used my psychic powers to teleport us to a nice quiet abandon house in the woods" then after we had gotten there i had gotten brittany, raven and misty out of there seats.

and then i had took them inside the house to put them in there rooms, then when they are fully awake i can introduce them to my birth parents.

so after they are in there rooms, "i had went to see what my parents are doing?" so when i had went into my parents bedroom they were watching tv.

so i had asked them what they are watching on tv? "and they had said they are watching a movie called bfg.

then after they had finished there movie, we had started to go home to our planet where we don't have to hide our psychic powers anymore from people.

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