Not really an acute triangle (1/2)

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{Author's note:warning this has KaitoxMikuxLuka in it but with more Luka x Miku.}
Growing up I had two close friends...there names were Miku and Katio.Together the two of us would play around the tiny play ground that we grew up with.We did everything together....until I was in my sophomore year.Kaito was the cliche of a student that didn't want to study and failed...badly.Miku was the opposite of Katio,she studied and tried her best on tests so she didn't really need my help besides social studies.One day when I was walking to Lunch Katio tried running to catch up with me,
"Luka!,hey!" Katio yelled.I turned and stop,Katio was out of breath but he still managed to hand me a paper.I took the paper,it was the test he took on math....he got a 29% percent on his test.I sighed
"Katio you do realize that if you keep doing this you graduate,you're a grade a head of me and your failing all of your classes" I said said shaking my head.

"I know,I know but my mom been trying to get a tutor for me but she doesn't have the I was wondering if you would tutor me?"he asked me,I stretched a little.

"What about Miku?,she might be able to tutor you,I'm busy this week" I said.I hate rejecting my friends but I was busy,I got accepted into the college and I need to focus on that than anything else.Katio didn't say anything so I knew that he didn't ask Miku,I slowly sighed and agreed with to help him.
"Fine I'll help you but five dollars every time I tutor you okay?"I asked continuing walking to lunch.He nodded cheerfully and followed me to lunch.I waited out by Miku's classroom,social studies was her last period and since I was let out early of my last class I decided to wait for Miku.But something was off........I had this gut feeling that something followed me.....staking me.I began sweating,I checked my watch only two more minutes.The bell rung and I saw something run off....something blue.Miku walked out and greeted me with her cheerful smile,I hesitantly greeted back.
"Luka you okay?,you look like you've seen a ghost"Miku said,

"Oh!,sorry I'm fine I thought I saw a bug"I lied.The two of us walked off,Miku wrapped her arms around my arms I'd always let Miku wrap her arms around me because well she loved it and I don't mind her doing it...I find it cute.While walking someone ran up to us separating me and Miku then the person fell...It was Katio.Miku giggled while I starred at him.Katio didn't do this....never.
"Luka remember you're coming to tutor me back at my house" Katio said giving a look at Miku,Miku was confused
"W-what?" She asked.I sighed
"I'm tutoring Katio so his grades can go up"I said,Miku looked down at the ground
"O-oh......I see"she said.I tried to cheer up Miku.....until Katio gripped my arm like Miku.He then forcedly made me walk still gripping my arm,
"K-Katio you're hurting me"I said in a whisper...he didn't reply.why was he doing this?,why now?,He acted normal during school so why now.Trying to tutor him was horrible he constantly was looking at my breast or tried to look up my skirt.I didn't feel comfortable at all.
"I'm going to use the restroom" I mumbled,I closed the door behind me.I grabbed my phone
"Hello?,it's Miku speaking"Miku said

"M-Miku help me....I mumbled again trying to keep my voice quiet.

"What's wrong?"Miku asked

"It's Katio....h-he's been acting strange....ever since I got here"I continued to mumbling.Miku didn't reply,
"I'll pick up right now I'm coming"Miku said proudly.Luka could feel tears of joy falling,
"Thank you Miku"Luka said.A loud bang came to the door Luka jerked her head to the door,once again another loud bang hitted the door.Luka grabbed the handle and twisted it to the left opening the door.Katio was there glaring at her.
"I-I-I I have to go now,I'll tutor you tomorrow"Luka said avoiding eye contract.She began packing her things until Katio jerked my body,throwing my body on his carpet floor,I tired getting up b-but he started to climb up me.
"K-Katio p-please I need to go"I hesitated trying to kick him off of me.He said nothing he putted his hands on my cheeks....smoothing them.I was tried of this...I was getting pissed,he began leaning towards trying to give me a kiss.I kicked him back,he went flying and hitted the wall with some blood he coughed up.I hurried and grabbed my stuff and ran to Miku's car that was parked in Katio's drive.Miku quickly drives back into the road.
"What happened back there?" Miku asked,I curled a little in my seat
"I-I don't wanna talk about it o-okay?"I mumbled tearing a little.Miku nodded and continued focusing driving.
{The next day}
Around lunch Katio again tried asking me to tutor him though texting but I turned him down since what happened yesterday.He tried to text during all of my classes asking the same question.But I never replied.Me and Miku decided to take a different way we didn't have to see him.
"Miku has Katio been texting lately?" I asked her kicking some rocks.She turned her head away from me,
"Miku"I said making my voice serious

"I can't tell you...or else he'll hurt me" Miku mumbled avoiding eye contact.I stopped in my tracks Miku stopped as well,I grabbed Miku's shoulder
"Who been telling you that!"I yelled slowly bolling my rage
"K-Katio....."Miku said.I let go of Miku's shoulder,
"I'm sorry...I....I'm upset that's all"I apologize Miku nodded in agreement.
"It's like ever since you tutor Katio that one day everything went to hell" Miku said,

"I don't understand....."I mumbled.silence came between us,
"Do you think he likes you?" Miku asked cocking her head.I shook my head,
"There's no way!,we've known Katio since childhood and he's never acted like this"I said.Miku didn't say anything,
"Can drop the subject I'm getting scared just talking about this"Miku suggestion.We decided to drop the subject of Katio and focused walking home.Miku didn't say anything after that,But inside of me I was worrying....worrying that I was soon going to end my friendship with Miku and Katio.
Miku just had finish showering,she put on her usual pajamas.A blue and white striped tank top and pair of black comfy shorts.Miku plopped on her bed making herself comfy,putting on some relaxing music.Soon after Miku fell asleep....forgetting to close the window.Miku's room was pitch black,Miku slept peacefully until.....a shadow climbed up.It gracefully leaped Miku's room without realizing the shadow begged into Miku's closet door with a loud bang.Miku shot up,
"Who's there!?" Miku yelled.She moved her eyes all over the place.She saw the shadow and screamed,the shadow however leaped at Miku...choking her to death.She gasped for air,kicking, and trying to punch this "shadow" .
" doing!?" She gasped.
"I want you to suffer" The shadow said in a low tone.Miku managed to get the shadow off of her with a kick.The shadow then grabbed Miku's arm and pinned her to the wall,it pulled out a blade....a knife.Miku screamed once more,the blade went up to Miku's neck.
"Scream one more time and this will be in your neck" it threatened.Miku stopped and started to cry,then the blade slowly went down to Miku's stomach.
"P-please don't kill me!,what did I ever do to you?!" Miku yelped,

"You took everything from me so I want you to suffer" the shadow said.More tears fell from Miku's eyes the blade coming closer and closer to Miku's stomach,
"Why?!" Miku cried out.The blade stopped,
"What have I taken from you that makes you wanna kill me!" Miku cried out again.

"You took her" the shadow said.

"Who's her?" Miku asked

Miku realized who she was dealing with,
"Katio....please...I thought with were friends"Miku said between her crys.Katio unpinned Miku off the wall she drop to the floor,
"Don't tell Luka...stay away from her in general" Katio hissed.He went out the window....Miku sat there...crying.
{The next day}
Miku tried avoiding Luka at all costs....she was scared...she didn't know what to do,she felt like her life was being controlled.She wanted to tell Luka but she felt if she did it wouldn't end well.The next day Miku saw Katio and Luka....together holding hands,what happened?....why is this happening?.....Katio why? Miku walked away with tears.That night Miku got a text from Luka,
[Luka]:What happened with you today?,why were you avoiding me?
Miku didn't know what to do.Miku grab her phone,just this once.

[Miku]:It's Katio...he's been
threatening me....saying that if I talk to you he'll kill me.

[Luka]:So that's why he been acting werid,we need to stop him before...before something bad happens.

[Miku]:Luka I'm scared...

[Luka]:I know I'm scared too.But we can't let him control over our lives.
Miku got a cold chill....she grab her phone again.
[Miku]:Luka I feel like I'm being someone looking through my window.

Luka also felt this feeling too like someone was watching her until.
Author's note:sorry for ending on a cliffhanger I wanted this out ASAP I'll write the second part tomorrow (hopefully).
Thank you for understanding,I'm really sorry.
Have a nice day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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